The Peace War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Peace War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What stops Della's attack on the pass?
(a) An electrical weapon.
(b) Tinker firepower.
(c) A defensive bobble.
(d) Hidden ambushes.

2. As he works to complete the attack on the Authority bobble generator, Wili is torn by what desire?
(a) The desire to check on Paul's condition.
(b) The desire for revenge on the Authority.
(c) The desire to take control of the Authority himself.
(d) The desire for Jill's help.

3. How do Paul and Wili learn about the location of the Authority's embobbling machine?
(a) Jill interpolates it based on a large amount of data.
(b) From intercepted reports.
(c) Allison learned about it before she was embobbled.
(d) Mike heard Della talk about it.

4. How do Paul and the other acquire power for their computers along the way to the Authority enclave?
(a) They barter for them.
(b) From remote power stations.
(c) From pre-planned drop points.
(d) From caches left by other Tinkers.

5. What does Della strike Avery down with?
(a) Her sidearm.
(b) A chair.
(c) The control box for Renaissance.
(d) A hefty book.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Paul think will happen to the bobbles in the coming years?

2. Paul and the others are stopped outside of the Authority enclave by what?

3. Why do the gangs around the embobbled tenement building help Wili?

4. How does Mike escape from the banana wagon?

5. Instead of obeying Della's request with regards to Wili, what does Mike do?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Wili and the others able to approach closer to the enclave?

2. What important bobbles does Paul say are due to collapse soon?

3. How does Wili manipulate the Authority's communication system for the Tinker's advantage?

4. Why does Wili lose contact with Jill during the final approach to the embobbling position?

5. How do Wili's abilities compare to Paul's?

6. Why does Mike decide to embobble himself?

7. Why are Paul and the others stopped on the road to the Authority enclave?

8. What fears do Mike and Allison express when the group returns to Paul's home?

9. What new device do Paul and Wili create together?

10. How and why do Mike and Wili demonstrate their new bobble generator?

(see the answer keys)

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