The Pat Hobby Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pat Hobby Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Mightier Than the Sword," whom does Pat overhear arguing with a producer?
(a) A director.
(b) Another producer.
(c) Berners.
(d) A writer.

2. Why does the studio hire Pat in "No Harm Trying"?
(a) They don't hire him.
(b) So he can help pay his wife's hospital bills.
(c) They know he needs a job.
(d) They need him for a project.

3. What does Pat do in the scene in the ditch in "Pat Hobby Does His Bit"?
(a) He yells.
(b) He cries.
(c) He passes out.
(d) He does really well.

4. In "Mightier Than the Sword," the producer's idea for a script is about __________.
(a) A singer.
(b) A writer.
(c) An actor.
(d) A composer.

5. In "On the Trail of Pat Hobby," to whom does the item that Pat steals belong?
(a) Mr. Marcus.
(b) Berners.
(c) The President.
(d) Phil Macedon.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "A Patriotic Short," whose house is next to Pat's house?

2. In "On the Trail of Pat Hobby," what does Pat feel he needs to have?

3. Where does Pat steal an item from in "On the Trail of Pat Hobby"?

4. Why is the studio eager to help Pat's wife in "No Harm Trying"?

5. Where does Pat meet a young woman in "Pat Hobby's Preview"?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "A Patriotic Short," why does Pat become nostalgic?

2. In "A Patriotic Short," what was Pat's life like in the past as a popular writer?

3. What happens when Pat steals the hat in "On the Trail of Pat Hobby"?

4. Why does Pat end up begging for tickets to the preview in "Pat Hobby's Preview," and why is this significant?

5. In "Pat Hobby Does His Bit," how does Pat get himself into trouble?

6. In "On the Trail of Pat Hobby," what job does Pat find for the day?

7. Describe what faults Pat finds in the actress, call boy, and director in "No Harm Trying."

8. In "Fun in an Artist's Studio," how does the artist try to get the look of desperation in Pat's face?

9. Describe Pat's experience with the President in "A Patriotic Short."

10. In "Fun in an Artist's Studio," what does being asked to sit for an artist cause Pat to feel?

(see the answer keys)

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