The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the drinkard supposed to walk in "Dead's Town"?
(a) Quickly.
(b) Backwards.
(c) On his tiptoes.
(d) Slowly.

2. When the drinkard becomes a judge, what is his first case about?
(a) A conflict between a debter and a debt collector.
(b) A conflict between a professional thief and a vigilante.
(c) A conflict between two professional gamblers
(d) A conflict between a father and his son.

3. How does the wise king help the drinkard and his wife on their journey?
(a) He lends them three of his slaves.
(b) He tells them the shortest route to "Dead's Town."
(c) He gives them some money.
(d) He gives them extra juju.

4. What did the red king kill that caused the town to turn red?
(a) A red tree.
(b) A red creature.
(c) A wizard.
(d) A red bird and red fish.

5. What was the tapster called before he died?
(a) Tappy.
(b) Baity.
(c) Zurrjir.
(d) Pinto.

6. What is the "Invisible-Pawn's" name?
(a) Here and There.
(b) Give and Take.
(c) Come and Go.
(d) Catch and Release.

7. How does the drinkard get his thirst quenched?
(a) He finds a palm forest.
(b) He starts drinking water.
(c) He is given a small bottomless bottle.
(d) He is given a new tapster.

8. What ultimately happens to the man with the sack?
(a) He steals the drinkard's wife.
(b) He hides under the statue of the king for the rest of his life.
(c) He is killed.
(d) He escapes town.

9. What is the verdict for the second case?
(a) The husband's choice is made official.
(b) The husband's choice is overturned.
(c) There is none because the case is postponed.
(d) The wizard is sentenced to jail.

10. What else does the drinkard do in case there are future difficulties?
(a) He charges for his help and saves the profits.
(b) He produces money and hides it.
(c) He produces a second magic egg.
(d) He builds a place to store food.

11. When does "Invisible-Pawn" do his work?
(a) At noon.
(b) At dusk.
(c) At night.
(d) During siesta.

12. Who is the third character involved in the first case's conflict?
(a) A wife.
(b) A wizard.
(c) A bystander.
(d) A cousin.

13. What does the man do on the morning of the seventh day of the parade?
(a) He admits he is the real murderer.
(b) He runs away from town.
(c) He kills the drinkard and his wife.
(d) He kidnaps the king.

14. When can "alives" enter Dead's Town.
(a) Never.
(b) Between 4 and 6 p.m.
(c) At dawn.
(d) At night.

15. From the second case the drinkard tries, what did the second wife do when her husband died unexpectedly?
(a) She did nothing.
(b) She went in search of a wizard.
(c) She died with her husband.
(d) She stayed and guarded the dead husband's body.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the drinkard assign to help him with his plan to end the "natural disaster"?

2. How long do the drinkard and his wife stay with the wise king?

3. Why does the drinkard make the rule that he would only serve people outside?

4. What happens when "Invisible-Pawn" is asked to bring firewood?

5. What does the drinkard turn his wife into to keep her safe from "Hungry-Monster"?

(see the answer keys)

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