The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does "Invisible-Pawn" do his work?
(a) At noon.
(b) During siesta.
(c) At dusk.
(d) At night.

2. Who joins the "mountain-creatures" in their favorite activity?
(a) The drinkard.
(b) The drinkard's wife.
(c) The tapster.
(d) The red lady.

3. What does the tapster say he did the night he died?
(a) He floated straight to Dead's Town.
(b) He went home but realized that nobody could see or hear him.
(c) He left in search of his dead father.
(d) He climbed up a palm tree and hid there.

4. What does the drinkard ask of his readers after he explains the two cases?
(a) To go to "Mixed Town."
(b) To help him make the final judgements.
(c) To not deal with wizards.
(d) To pay all debts.

5. What do the drinkard and his wife first give "Hungry-Monster" to eat?
(a) Cola.
(b) Poisonous berries.
(c) Unripe bananas.
(d) Palm-wine.

6. How does the drinkard get his thirst quenched?
(a) He finds a palm forest.
(b) He is given a small bottomless bottle.
(c) He starts drinking water.
(d) He is given a new tapster.

7. How does the drinkard put an end to the "natural disaster"?
(a) He throws his magic egg in the river.
(b) He negotiates with Land.
(c) He plants his magic seeds.
(d) He sends a sacrifice to Heaven.

8. What does the drinkard use to help alleviate the damage caused by the "natural disaster."
(a) He uses his magic egg.
(b) He concocts a remedy out of palm-wine.
(c) He uses his juju.
(d) He uses his magic seeds from Wraith Island.

9. Who is the power that creates the "natural disaster" that affects the drinkard's hometown?
(a) God.
(b) Heaven.
(c) The king of Dead's Town.
(d) Land.

10. At the end of the chapter, what does Dance turn into?
(a) A mountain.
(b) A cave.
(c) A river.
(d) A valley.

11. What is the verdict for the second case?
(a) The husband's choice is overturned.
(b) The wizard is sentenced to jail.
(c) The husband's choice is made official.
(d) There is none because the case is postponed.

12. Why does the wise king dress up the drinkard and his wife and parade them around town?
(a) To express his gratitude.
(b) He is trying to determine who the true murderer is.
(c) To celebrate the foreign visitors.
(d) He thinks they are long lost family members.

13. Who puts the drinkard and his wife in the huge bag?
(a) A giant.
(b) A man.
(c) The red lady.
(d) A goat.

14. The "natural disaster" that has affected the drinkard's hometown was the result of ________.
(a) An argument between Heaven and Land.
(b) An argument between Land and Dead's Town.
(c) An agreement between Dead's Town and Heaven.
(d) An agreement between Land and Dead's Town.

15. Why is the drinkard kicked out of "Dead's Town"?
(a) He falls and bleeds.
(b) He is too loud.
(c) He is too dangerous.
(d) He refuses to follow the rules.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color are the "deads'" clothing?

2. What does Faithful-Mother NOT give the drinkard and his wife when they leave?

3. How do the townspeople react to what "Invisible-Pawn" does when the drinkard offers him yams and corn as a thank you?

4. Who is this year's annual sacrifice in the red bush?

5. Who is the third character involved in the first case's conflict?

(see the answer keys)

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