The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the drinkard and his wife stay by the river for a whole month?
(a) They have good friends.
(b) They are waiting for the rainy season to end.
(c) They are under a spell.
(d) They are making and saving up money.

2. Which god does the king make the drinkard meet?
(a) God of Wine.
(b) God of War.
(c) God of Travel.
(d) God of Fertility.

3. How do the drinkard and his wife end up in the white tree?
(a) They enter through the back door.
(b) They fall through a hole into another world.
(c) The tree's hands grab them and bring them in.
(d) They climb the tree, then fall through a shoot.

4. What does the old man (a god) give the drinkard to catch Death?
(a) Some garlic.
(b) A black bag.
(c) A spear.
(d) A net.

5. How do the attendants complete the task the king assigns them, regarding the drinkard and his wife?
(a) By threatening them with a stick.
(b) By hand delivering an invitation.
(c) With a flat stone and broken bottle.
(d) By kidnapping them and leaving them in a valley far away.

6. Where did the tapster go after leaving town?
(a) Unreturnable-Heaven's Town.
(b) Palm-wine Grove.
(c) Dead's Town.
(d) Mixed Town.

7. What are the people like in Wraith-Island?
(a) Very nice and loving.
(b) Always busy.
(c) Very violent and mean.
(d) Very talkative.

8. What does the drinkard turn himself into to escape the creatures in "No road--out to travel from bust to bush to the Dead's town"?
(a) Hot water.
(b) A tornado.
(c) Ice.
(d) A fire.

9. What are the people of "Unreturnable-Heaven's Town" like?
(a) They are sweet and pleasant.
(b) They do things backwards and incorrectly.
(c) They all have three eyes.
(d) They are well versed in philosophy.

10. Who is the terrible animal?
(a) The tapster in form of a beast.
(b) Someone the drinkard has sentenced in court.
(c) The drinkard's son reincarnated.
(d) The owner of the land where the drinkard has planted his crops.

11. Who does the woman marry?
(a) The complete gentleman.
(b) The drinkard.
(c) Zurrjir.
(d) Skull.

12. Why does the drinkard cry when he first sees the complete gentleman?
(a) He is jealous that the complete gentleman has palm-wine.
(b) He cries tears of joy because the complete gentleman is a long lost friend.
(c) He is jealous of the complete gentleman's beauty.
(d) He is upset that the complete gentleman was holding a woman captive.

13. What does the drinkard change himself into to follow the complete gentleman?
(a) A bullfrog.
(b) A butterfly.
(c) A lizard.
(d) A woman.

14. What do the creatures do when the drinkard transforms himself in "No road--out to travel from bust to bush to the Dead's town"?
(a) They touch him.
(b) They laugh.
(c) They get closer to get warm.
(d) They run away in fear.

15. Where is Death when the drinkard reaches his house?
(a) In his yam garden.
(b) By the river.
(c) In his house.
(d) On the roof.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long ago did the tapster leave the town where the drinkard thought he'd find him?

2. What is NOT true about "Spirit of Prey"?

3. What important question does the king of "Unreturnable-Heaven's Town" ask the drinkard and his wife?

4. What did Zurrjir love to do?

5. What "right thing" does the old man (a god) want the drinkard to bring back from the black-smith?

(see the answer keys)

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