The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the houses in "Unreturnable-Heaven's Town" like?
(a) They are underground.
(b) They have one room.
(c) They are three stories.
(d) They are thatched with grass.

2. As a child, what was the only type of money used in the protagonist's town?
(a) Soles.
(b) Pounds.
(c) Dollars.
(d) Cowries.

3. Where does Skull live?
(a) Inside a rotting log.
(b) In the side of a hill.
(c) Under a big rock.
(d) In a hole.

4. What must happen so the woman can eat and speak again?
(a) The necklace must be put back together.
(b) The scarf must be dyed red.
(c) The cowrie must be removed from her neck.
(d) She must consume more juju.

5. What does the protagonist bring with him on his journey?
(a) A magic stone.
(b) A sack of money.
(c) Palm-wine.
(d) Juju.

6. How do the drinkard and his wife escape the people of "Unreturnable-Heaven's Town"?
(a) They burn down the town.
(b) They fly away on the eagle.
(c) They sneak away at night
(d) They create a flood with their juju.

7. Where does the "half-bodied baby" appear?
(a) Out of a bush.
(b) From the ashes.
(c) On the road.
(d) From a tree.

8. What is NOT true about the specific creature the drinkard describes in "No road--out to travel from bust to bush to the Dead's town"?
(a) He is a quarter of a mile long
(b) He has one eye.
(c) He is six feet in diameter.
(d) He has four hands.

9. How long ago did the tapster leave the town where the drinkard thought he'd find him?
(a) 2 days ago.
(b) 2 years ago.
(c) 10 years ago.
(d) 10 hours ago.

10. What happens when the children of "Unreturnable-Heaven's Town" try to nail the heads of the drinkard and his wife?
(a) The tapster saves them.
(b) The children can not find hammers.
(c) The kings saves them.
(d) The eagle saves them.

11. What was notable about the the protagonist's father?
(a) His father had 13 children.
(b) His father lived to be 106 years old.
(c) His father was the richest man in their town.
(d) His father had one leg.

12. What does the woman witness as she follows the "complete" gentleman into the forest?
(a) The complete gentleman returns his body parts to the owner he had rented them from.
(b) The complete gentleman shrinks into a tiny complete gentleman.
(c) A family of skeletons pays him to "lend them a hand."
(d) A curious creature kidnaps the complete gentleman.

13. What is the drinkard's financial situation when he meets Drums, Song, and Dance?
(a) He is financially stable.
(b) He is penniless.
(c) It is not specified.
(d) He is very rich.

14. What does the drinkard change the woman into as they escape from Skull?
(a) A sparrow-like bird.
(b) A lizard.
(c) A bullfrog.
(d) A tiny kitten.

15. When does "half-bodied baby" finally come down from the drinkard?
(a) When he meets Drums, Song, and Dance.
(b) When he want to learn how to walk.
(c) When they run into the white creatures.
(d) When he gets a big steak.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the attendants bring an eagle?

2. How does "Spirit of Prey" kill his prey?

3. How is the bush described that the drinkard and his wife next travel through?

4. Who is inside the white tree?

5. What is NOT true about the market's owner?

(see the answer keys)

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