The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patricia McConnell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patricia McConnell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the corners of a dog's mouth called?
(a) Cissurres.
(b) Ceassures.
(c) Commissures.
(d) Closurres.

2. How can an owner make themselves the object of a chase?
(a) By walking toward a dog bringing a ball back.
(b) By walking away from a dog bringing a ball back.
(c) By tossing a ball far from a dog.
(d) By keeping the ball from a dog.

3. How many scent receptors do dogs have?
(a) 20 million.
(b) 120 million.
(c) 220 million.
(d) 5 million.

4. Why should a person "release the pressure" after she or he has initiated a block?
(a) Because dogs cannot behave if a human is too close.
(b) Because dogs should be rewarded after a negative behavior has stopped.
(c) Because dogs cannot see from a close distance.
(d) Because dogs become threatened if a human is too close.

5. When a dog's corners of the mouth are forward, what is it a sign of?
(a) Excitement.
(b) Aggression.
(c) Repose.
(d) Indifference.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to McConnell, what is the best word to use to encourage a dog's silence?

2. What is "doggie play bow"?

3. McConnell concluded that animal handlers use rapid sounds for what purpose?

4. What does a person who wants to block have to do?

5. What is a little known fact regarding humans sense of smell?

Short Essay Questions

1. What myth do humans perpetuate about how dogs respond to them, and what does it signify?

2. What is the one difference between humans and primates that also presents a challenge when it comes to dog training?

3. What story does McConnell relate about a dog's memory for smell, and why is it significant?

4. What do the steps in teaching a dog how to come illustrate about training dogs?

5. How should an owner house train her or his dog?

6. What is paedomorphism, and why is it significant?

7. What advice does McConnell offer in terms of how humans monitor their speech?

8. What is the "guy-with-the-gold-chain" hypothesis and what does it signify?

9. Why does McConnell advise against play fighting or wrestling with a dog?

10. What two mistakes did McConnell make with an aggressive mastiff, and why was it dangerous?

(see the answer keys)

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