The Orchard Keeper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Orchard Keeper Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sylder is told that _____________ wants to see him.
(a) Gifford.
(b) John Wesley.
(c) Ownby.
(d) Mildred.

2. What kind of animal do John Wesley and Warn speculate must have mauled the mink?
(a) Wolf.
(b) Cheetah.
(c) Dog.
(d) Bobcat.

3. Which is true of the orchard keeper's environment when he awakens?
(a) It has snowed.
(b) All of these.
(c) Nothing is stirring.
(d) Everything is quiet.

4. What does Sylder tell John Wesley about Gifford?
(a) He will be back to arrest them.
(b) He is a very dangerous man.
(c) He is an idiot.
(d) He was bluffing John Wesley.

5. What kind of animal do the boys have trapped in a cave?
(a) Skunk.
(b) Weasel.
(c) Fox.
(d) Rabbit.

6. How long does it take for Ownby to show up at the store and for Gifford to arrest him?
(a) About a week.
(b) One day.
(c) A couple of days.
(d) About a month.

7. What do the police choose not to reveal to Mildred Rattner about her husband?
(a) That he committed suicide.
(b) That he was having an affair.
(c) That he had another family in another state.
(d) That he was wanted in three states.

8. What rouses the large cat in Ownby's outhouse?
(a) Lightning.
(b) A thunderclap.
(c) A gunshot.
(d) Rain seeping in.

9. Where does the orchard keeper drag some trees?
(a) To the back of his house.
(b) To the lumberyard.
(c) To the peach pit where Rattner's body was dumped.
(d) To his moonshine still.

10. Where does Sylder's car die while on his whiskey run?
(a) On a muddy road.
(b) On the interstate.
(c) On the bridge.
(d) In front of the police station.

11. How much is a mink worth?
(a) 5 dollars.
(b) 100 dollars.
(c) 10 dollars.
(d) 25 dollars.

12. What is the widow Rattner's first name?
(a) Millie.
(b) Mildred.
(c) Mamie.
(d) Marie.

13. What offense was John Wesley told he had committed?
(a) Driving without a license.
(b) No dog tags on his dog.
(c) Trapping without a license.
(d) Fishing without a license.

14. What is the orchard keeper's name?
(a) Uncle Remus.
(b) Uncle Ather.
(c) Uncle Tom.
(d) Uncle Amos.

15. Who hears the wildcat's final death scream?
(a) Mr. Eller.
(b) Mildred.
(c) Ownby.
(d) John Wesley.

Short Answer Questions

1. How could the charges against John Wesley be dropped?

2. How old was Mildred Rattner when she died?

3. What do the boys do in the cave?

4. Uncle Ather tells the boys about a time when he caught a _______________.

5. Where does Ownby position himself to get off good shots at the officers?

(see the answer keys)

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