The Orchard Keeper Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Orchard Keeper Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sylder has an irrational fear of what type of animal?
(a) Ferrets.
(b) Dogs.
(c) Squirrels.
(d) Cats.

2. What item does Kenneth claim to need when asked by the storekeep?
(a) Chocolate bar.
(b) Nail file.
(c) Matches.
(d) Tire pump.

3. What does the orchard keeper do after he discharges his shotgun shells?
(a) Examines the shells.
(b) Opens the shotgun.
(c) Discards the spent shells.
(d) All of these.

4. John Wesley hears voices that tell him to ___________________.
(a) burn the house.
(b) run away.
(c) avenge his father's death.
(d) kill his mother.

5. What kind of job did Sylder have?
(a) Highway.
(b) Factory.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) University.

6. The town of Red Branch is in the ___________________ Mountains.
(a) Rocky.
(b) White.
(c) Green.
(d) Appalachian.

7. How is the girl injured while watching John Wesley fish?
(a) A jellyfish stings her.
(b) A leech bites her.
(c) She steps on a fish hook.
(d) She falls out of a tree.

8. What kind of car did Sylder crash?
(a) Plymouth.
(b) Crown Victoria.
(c) Lincoln.
(d) Malibu.

9. How much did John Wesley earn for the dead chickenhawk?
(a) Seventy-five cents.
(b) Fifty cents.
(c) Twenty-five cents.
(d) One dollar.

10. What kind of footwear is John Wesley wearing in the store?
(a) Galoshes.
(b) Loafers.
(c) Boots.
(d) Slippers.

11. What does Sylder do after he is fired?
(a) Calls his wife.
(b) Files for unemployment.
(c) Goes to a bar and then drives.
(d) Tries to commit suicide.

12. What is the only thing John Wesley finds in his animal traps?
(a) A snake.
(b) A toenail.
(c) A rabbit.
(d) A toad.

13. Sylder sees the orchard keeper shooting ________________ in the side of a government tank.
(a) a cannon.
(b) a large "X".
(c) a swastika.
(d) a cross.

14. Who do Sylder and June question at the Green Fly Inn?
(a) Jack the Idiot.
(b) Jack the Runner.
(c) Jack the Rapist.
(d) Jack the Ripper.

15. What frightens the orchard keeper in the woods?
(a) A lantern light coming closer.
(b) A rustling noise coming from the pit.
(c) The click of a shotgun.
(d) Gunshots.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sylder do after he kills the man?

2. What kind of animal does John Wesley kill?

3. Where does Sylder dispose of the dead body?

4. What does John Wesley do after his mother goes to sleep?

5. Which of the following is true about Kenneth Rattner's widow and son?

(see the answer keys)

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