The Nutmeg of Consolation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Nutmeg of Consolation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who receives the commission for the HMS Nutmeg of Consolation?
(a) Fox.
(b) Pullings.
(c) Aubrey.
(d) Brown.

2. Why is the Nutmeg of Consolation readied for sea in haste?
(a) Napoleon is gathering his forces near Brest.
(b) They are going to try to catch Cornélie.
(c) The former Governor needs to be at his new post immediately.
(d) There is a bad storm moving in.

3. What effect does the method Aubrey uses to arm his ship have?
(a) It covers both short and long-range possibilites.
(b) It makes the ship lighter and therefore faster.
(c) It enables more men in the rigging to pick off boarding parties.
(d) It has a heavy punch up close but no long-range accuracy.

4. What is Aubrey planning as he leaves port?
(a) How to make an unscheduled stop for Maturin to gather some samples.
(b) How to get Miller and Oakes up to speed.
(c) How to explain an indiscretion to his wife.
(d) The pursuit and attack of Cornélie.

5. To whom does Maturin give bribes?
(a) A friend.
(b) The chief at Pulo Prabang.
(c) The chief of the Dyaks.
(d) A French captain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What suddenly lands on the beach?

2. What does Aubrey do to Miller and Oakes?

3. Why does Maturin collapse?

4. Why are the sailors able to salvage much of the ship's contents?

5. Who attacks the sailors?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Maturin and Martin do and what do they find?

2. Why is the situation not as precarious as it could be for the marooned men?

3. What are Maturin and Martin spending much time doing?

4. What has Welby overdone in Aubrey's estimation, but why does Aubrey still admire the man?

5. What happens to Maturin's fortune?

6. What action does Maturin take with the information he gains from the pirates and what does he hope to accomplish by his actions?

7. Describe Padeen Colman.

8. Who is William Grimshaw and how does he help provide comic relief on board?

9. What does Maturin say is wrong and what does he do?

10. How does Aubrey plan for an attack on Cornélie?

(see the answer keys)

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