The Naked Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Leebig say he recently destroyed a robot?
(a) Because its parts were obsolete.
(b) Because it was already destroyed.
(c) Because it tried to take over control of his other robots.
(d) Because it tried to poison him.

2. Who is Corwin Attlebish?
(a) A human just arriving on Solaria.
(b) Gruer's replacement.
(c) Gladia's other brother.
(d) Baley's new boss.

3. Where is Baley at the opening to chapter 15?
(a) Discussing the case with Daneel at their motel room.
(b) In the Spaceport.
(c) Talking to Klorissa at a restaurant.
(d) Arriving at Gladia Delmarre's home.

4. Where does Baley question Gladia?
(a) Outside the home.
(b) In the Gladia's bedroom.
(c) In the library.
(d) In the den where Dr. Delmarre is killed.

5. On what project was Dr. Delmarre working concerning robots?
(a) Creating a robot that could spank children.
(b) Creating a robot that could express love to the children.
(c) Creating a robot that could make its own decisions.
(d) He was not working with robots, but rather fetuses.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Klorissa Cantoro?

2. How does Leebig react to a call from Baley?

3. Why will Daneel not allow Baley to leave the estate?

4. How long after conception are the fetuses brought to the farm?

5. Who does Klorissa believe killed Delmarre?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Leebig get upset during the conversation with Baley?

2. Who is the first person Baley interviews and how does the person respond to Baley being there in person?

3. Describe R. Daneel Steel.

4. How does Gladia respond to seeing Baley in person and what does she tell him?

5. What does Leebig say about the first law of robotics?

6. What does Klorissa tell Baley was they are touring the fetal farm?

7. Describe the incident with the arrow that is shot at Baley.

8. Describe the conversation between Elijah and Gladia about Gruer's poisoning.

9. How does Baley respond to Attlebish's orders?

10. What does Baley ask of Gladia that shocks her and what does she say about her relationship to Jothan Leebig?

(see the answer keys)

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