The Naked Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Naked Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many robots work on Solaria?
(a) None.
(b) 200,000,000.
(c) 100,000.
(d) 2,000.

2. How does Baley feel about going?
(a) He is indifferent.
(b) He is excited.
(c) He does not want to go.
(d) He is angry.

3. What does Gladia ask about Baley and Olivaw?
(a) If they are human.
(b) If they would "see" her.
(c) If they are partners.
(d) If they could reach out and touch each other.

4. What does Baley hate to see?
(a) The food on the ship.
(b) A robot doing a human's job.
(c) The sparse accomdations on the ship.
(d) That is partner is a woman.

5. Of what is Gladia certain?
(a) Her husband is a good man.
(b) There was no one else in the President's mansion when she finds her husband.
(c) Her husband is greatly loved.
(d) Her husband would not have allowed anyone to "see" him.

6. How many other humans are in the house when the murder occurs?
(a) Two including the victim.
(b) 6 including the victim.
(c) Just the victim.
(d) 3 including the victim.

7. How does Gladia respond to Baley's question?
(a) That she did not commit the murder.
(b) That she got a quick glimpse of someone running away.
(c) That she is fairly sure she knows the murderer.
(d) That she would never consider protecting a murderer.

8. What does Baley say about "seeing" Olivaw?
(a) He refuses to divulve that information.
(b) That he does not understand the concept of seeing.
(c) That he and Olivaw are in the same room.
(d) That they never "see" each other.

9. Who is R. Daneel Olivaw?
(a) His boss's robot butler.
(b) A robot with whom Baley has partnered in the past.
(c) His son's robot science teacher.
(d) The robot that serves Baley dinner on the ship.

10. How does Baley feel about seeing Olivaw?
(a) Excited.
(b) Angry.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Olivaw is not in Solaria.

11. What does Olivaw tell Bailey?
(a) The facts about Aurora.
(b) The facts about Solaria.
(c) Why Baley is chosent for the investigaton.
(d) The facts of the case.

12. What does Baley realize about the Solaria's inhabitant's attitude towards Olivaw?
(a) They are angry that a robot is sent to their home world.
(b) They like robots because they do not cause trouble.
(c) They do not know he is a robot.
(d) They are indifferent.

13. What does it seem that the inhabitants on Aurora intend regarding Olivaw?
(a) They do not seem to have any particular plan.
(b) That the Solarians choose to open their planet to robots.
(c) That the Solarians think he is human.
(d) That the Solarians are provoked into hostile action by Olivaw's presence.

14. What is important to the inhabitants of Solaria?
(a) The foods they produce.
(b) Their family ties.
(c) The cultural mores.
(d) Their robots.

15. What weapon is found in the house where the human is murdered?
(a) A flechette.
(b) None.
(c) A sword.
(d) A mace.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Baley traveling at the opening of the story?

2. Why is it unusual for a person from Earth to travel to Solaria?

3. Where is Solaria?

4. In what state does Gladia find her husband?

5. What upsets Baley about the way he must question people on Solaria?

(see the answer keys)

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