The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Camus claim are the two essential pleasures of local youth?
(a) Having their shoes shined, then displaying these on the boulevard.
(b) Getting their shoes shined and attracting girls.
(c) Going to the movies with shiny shoes.
(d) Binge drinking and snappy dressing.

2. How might the mood of the first three paragraphs of Return to Tipasa be described?
(a) Excited.
(b) Nostalgic.
(c) Depressed.
(d) Happy.

3. What did Goethe call for when on his deathbed?
(a) Peace and quiet.
(b) Light.
(c) Water.
(d) 'Eine kleine pause.'

4. What can an artist do in the world of today?
(a) Provide people with gentle amusement to take their minds off their troubles.
(b) Very little because so many governments are totalitarian in style.
(c) He can and should be an advocate for the opressed in many contexts.
(d) Very little because so many governments are corrupt.

5. Of what do the freighters from Norway smell?
(a) Wood.
(b) Wine.
(c) Oil.
(d) Tobacco.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens at noon at the Place du Gouvernement?

2. Of what does Camus accuse the Marxists?

3. Camus mentions the parliament of birds in which literary source?

4. With what did Socrates' life end.

5. With God dead, what remains?

Short Essay Questions

1. What has Camus to say about the shops in Oran?

2. In what way did the philosopher Socrates demonstrate his lack of intellectual arrogance?

3. Comment on the force of the phrase 'indulge in a swim' rather than 'go for a swim'.

4. What 'two thirsts' has Camus been able to slake through his visit to Tipasa?

5. What lies 'beyond the yellow walls of Oran'?

6. Of what is Camus speaking when he criticizes 'idealism of the worst kind' (p.188 of the Penguin edition)?

7. What factor does Camus claim separates him from some sections of the leftist movement?

8. What must modern man do if he is to recapture the mindset of Ancient Greece and be truly civilized?

9. Of what does Camus accuse the Marxists in Section III of The Artist and his Time?

10. To what do love, peace and beauty form the antidote?

(see the answer keys)

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