The Moves Make the Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moves Make the Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does the phrase "spin light" pertain?
(a) Playing soccer goalie.
(b) A video game Bix loves.
(c) Playing shortstop.
(d) Playing pitcher.

2. What is "You LIke It, It Likes You"?
(a) The Seven-Up slogan.
(b) The Coca-Cola slogan.
(c) The Schwinn slogan.
(d) The Westinghouse slogan.

3. Of what does Jerome's mother assure him concerning her anger?
(a) She needs to feel the anger but still loves him.
(b) It is not about anything Jerome has done.
(c) She is working on getting rid of her anger.
(d) She will get over it.

4. In what city does Jerome live?
(a) Wilmington.
(b) Ashville.
(c) Durham.
(d) Raleigh.

5. Where does Jerome spend most of his summers?
(a) In the library.
(b) At the black swimming pool.
(c) In the black neighborhood park.
(d) At the secret basketball court.

6. What is one thing Jerome learns when he starts school that Fall?
(a) He will have to work much harder than the white students.
(b) In some ways, people at the white school aren't that much different from people at the black one.
(c) He will probably not be very popular.
(d) There are good reasons why schools are segregated.

7. For what class is Jerome late?
(a) History.
(b) Shop.
(c) Algebra.
(d) Home Economics.

8. What does Maurice go off to college to do?
(a) Become an architect.
(b) Become a pediatrician.
(c) Become a pilot.
(d) Become a psychiatrist.

9. Who does Jerome look for but cannot find?
(a) Bix's stepfather.
(b) The black coach.
(c) Bix.
(d) Maurice.

10. What is Bix's stepfather busy gathering?
(a) Testimony against his business partner.
(b) Information about where Bix's mother could be.
(c) Sympathy.
(d) Nothing.

11. What happens when Bix gets angry?
(a) He goes off by himself.
(b) He takes a run.
(c) He cries.
(d) He flushes with color.

12. What does Jerome ask the counselor about the boy she calls "poor thing"?
(a) If he is black.
(b) If he is in the same home situation as Jerome.
(c) If he has a mother.
(d) If he is new to the school.

13. Who is coaching the team that Jerome is watching the night he meets Bix?
(a) Mr. Steller.
(b) Jerome's brother.
(c) Bix's father.
(d) Jerome's father.

14. What is Jerome's preferred sport?
(a) Basketball.
(b) Soccer.
(c) Football.
(d) Baseball.

15. What do the younger siblings of some of the ball players do?
(a) Try to get their older brothers to buy them refreshments.
(b) Start fighting.
(c) Play a pick up game.
(d) Borrow shirts from both the black and the white players.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sponsors the white team that traditionally visits a black team at the beginning of the season?

2. How does Jerome characterize his behavior that summer?

3. Who does the man with whom Jerome say he is?

4. What animal does Jerome mention while writing about playing basketball?

5. Who makes a spectacular play that sends the black team to the bench?

(see the answer keys)

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