The Moor: A Mary Russell Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor: A Mary Russell Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter five, what does Russell say is the most extraordinary thing they've seen all day?
(a) A one-eyed dog
(b) A car
(c) The clear sky
(d) A tree

2. What is served for the meal soon after Russell's arrival?
(a) Kidney pie and pudding
(b) Custard pie and steak
(c) Turtle soup and greens
(d) Fish, rabbit and soup

3. What is the name of Baring-Gould's wife who is buried in the churchyard?
(a) Genevieve
(b) Grace
(c) Gertrude
(d) Ginger

4. Which of the following is a clue Holmes adds to Russell's list of sightings of Lady Howard's coach and the dog?
(a) The date the courting couple saw the dog
(b) The date Josiah Gorton was killed
(c) The date the couple saw the coach from Gibbett Hill
(d) The date the granny heard the dog scratching at the door

5. What does Holmes say is the only true rumor circulating on the moor at the moment?
(a) The death of a tin miner
(b) A girl ravished and dismembered
(c) An old woman drowned in a stream
(d) A man sacrificing a ram and drinking its blood

6. What else does Holmes say he found in Josiah Gortons cache?
(a) Maps and a diary
(b) Money and food
(c) Tin and tools
(d) Cooking utensils and bedding

7. What happens that makes it difficult for Holmes to be sure they're on the exact spot where Lady Howard's coach was seen?
(a) The map has been destroyed by the rain
(b) The map is vague
(c) They burned the map the previous night to start a fire
(d) The rain distorts the X Baring-Gould made on the map

8. What does Holmes say happened to Sir Henry's two sons?
(a) They died in a hunting accident
(b) They squandered their inheritance and are penniless
(c) They are both worthless
(d) They were killed in the war

9. According to Baring-Gould, what did the young courting couple claim to be doing when they sighted Lady Howard's coach?
(a) Lying beside a wall
(b) Sitting on top of a wall
(c) Sitting in the loft of a barn
(d) Walking along a path

10. According to the legend, when will Lady Howard be free to rest?
(a) Never
(b) After the hound has plucked every blade of grass
(c) After the moor is completely devoid of people
(d) After she's collected a number of souls

11. What is the herd of animals Holmes and Russell meet on the way to Mary Tavy?
(a) Cattle
(b) Sheep
(c) Ponies
(d) Goats

12. Who does Russell decide needs to stand guard against the possibility of Pethering's return?
(a) Both she and Holmes
(b) Holmes
(c) No one
(d) Russell

13. What does Schiemann say caused his outburst earlier in the evening?
(a) A blood disorder and the alcohol
(b) His anger over his situation
(c) His need to be noticed
(d) Nothing more than bad manners

14. What does Russell smell when she wakes after a night of drinking with the locals?
(a) Cider
(b) Tea
(c) Wet wool
(d) Bacon

15. Where is the young couple from that swore they'd seen Lady Howard's coach from Gibbett Hill?
(a) Mary Tavy
(b) America
(c) Lew Trenchard
(d) London

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Holmes say has asked him to look into an unrelated matter while he's on the moor?

2. What is the scene on the picture Russell stops to consider?

3. What does Holmes say the military have learned about "the next war?"

4. What is the talent Holmes says Russell has kept hidden from him?

5. What are the Dartmoor Stables?

(see the answer keys)

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