The Midnight Club Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Midnight Club Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What old habit shows that St.-Germain hasn't really changed much?
(a) Continuing to kill people during meetings.
(b) Selling drugs.
(c) Trusting Burke.
(d) Having a girl raped and murdered.

2. What is the name of Sarah's new book?
(a) St.-Germain.
(b) The Club.
(c) Club Allure.
(d) The Midnight Club.

3. What is Stef's first clue that there is a problem in the apartment he and Sarah are in?
(a) He hears shots.
(b) The power goes out.
(c) He hears noises.
(d) He feels a man standing over him.

4. What do the club members believe about themselves and the law?
(a) They have followed the letter of the law.
(b) They understand the law.
(c) They have risen above the law.
(d) They have bought freedom from the law.

5. Why is Stef cautious about his relationships?
(a) He doesn't know who to trust and who not to trust.
(b) He had a failed romance after he recovered from his gunshot wounds.
(c) He is still in love with his wife Anna.
(d) He doesn't want to start a relationship when St.-Germain is still on the loose.

6. What does Sarah bring up that causes Nicky to quickly end the interview?
(a) St.-Germain.
(b) Midnight Club.
(c) Atlantic City.
(d) Club Allure.

7. What charge does Stef announce St.-Germain will need to testify before the grand jury in regards to?
(a) Heroine smuggling.
(b) Running a crime syndicate.
(c) RICO violations.
(d) Continuing Criminal Enterprise Law.

8. How does Parker get St.-Germain in the elevator?
(a) He distracts his bodyguards.
(b) He forces him at gun point.
(c) He lies in wait for him on the elevator.
(d) He blocks the staircase.

9. What does Sarah confess to Stef?
(a) She has an issue with his wheelchair.
(b) She is falling in love with him.
(c) She wants to meet St.-Germain.
(d) She is scared by the events of the day.

10. What do they plan to go after St.-Germain with?
(a) Illegal activities.
(b) RICO motions.
(c) Murder charges.
(d) Drug motions.

11. Who does Stef meet up with in Atlantic City?
(a) Parker.
(b) FBI.
(c) Atlantic City Police.
(d) Sarah.

12. Who gets off of the private jet at Kennedy airport?
(a) St.-Germain.
(b) Mackey.
(c) Stef.
(d) Parker.

13. What happens after all of the Midnight Club members have arrived?
(a) They are all arrested.
(b) They all escaped police custody.
(c) They all were killed.
(d) They all committed suicide.

14. Where does Stef chase the third hit man?
(a) Into the neighbor's house.
(b) Through the street.
(c) Across the roof.
(d) Around the apartment.

15. What does the person on the phone tell Sarah about Sam?
(a) He is injured.
(b) He is fine.
(c) He is dead.
(d) She will never see him again.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stef use to take out two of the hit men in the apartment?

2. What does Stef neglect to tell Sarah before he leaves the apartment to chase the third hit man?

3. What does Parker investigate while he is in Atlantic City?

4. Who does Parker believe Burke has connections to?

5. Why did Parker begin to keep logs and recordings of the death squad business?

(see the answer keys)

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