The Masterpiece Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Masterpiece Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Claude when he and Sandoz return to Paris and go to a restaurant?
(a) he is withdrawn and silent during dinner.
(b) he is happy and resolved to return to his large canvas.
(c) he talks about quitting painting and starting to write.
(d) he is agitated and angry at how the country has changed.

2. Why is Christine afraid when she wakes to find Claude not in the bed with her?
(a) she thinks he is working too hard.
(b) she thinks he is destroying his paintings.
(c) she thinks he might be suicidal.
(d) she thinks he might be leaving her.

3. Why does Claude do a smaller version of his large painting?
(a) to show Bongrand.
(b) to practice his new brush strokes.
(c) to check his colors.
(d) to submit to the Salon.

4. For a while, how does Claude make a fairly good living?
(a) copying the old masters.
(b) doing sketches for a newspaper.
(c) painting flower still lifes for British tourists.
(d) painting portraits of children.

5. Why has Dubuche been exiled to his father-in-law's home in the country?
(a) one of his designs became a laughing stock in Paris.
(b) he was never successful and now cares for his wife and sickly children.
(c) it became clear that he really has no talent for architecture.
(d) the pressure of building houses caused him to have a breakdown.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the site that arouses Claude's enthusiasm after failing again to be included in the Salon?

2. What breaks the solemn reverie of Sandoz and Bongrand at the cemetery?

3. Why does Claude think his painting of the dead Jacques may be accepted by the Salon committee?

4. Who lives directly across from Fagerolles's small but well appointed mansion?

5. Why are Sandoz and Claude depressed after visiting Dubuche in the country?

(see the answer keys)

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