The Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Henry like to be seen as a writer by people?
(a) as a noble, selfless non-materialist devoted to his art
(b) as a playwright not a novelist
(c) as a writer who would be known as a genius in the future
(d) as a popular, rich success

2. What did Gosse say Wilde's children looked like?
(a) angels
(b) leprechauns
(c) hoodlums
(d) beggar children

3. What did Henry's father say that Minny took exception to?
(a) He said women were inferior in intellect and physical strength.
(b) He was critical of his sons and daughter.
(c) He was against abolition
(d) He didn't like animals.

4. Who is Gus Barker?
(a) a cousin of the Temple sisters, killed in the Civil War
(b) another of Minny's suitors
(c) a fellow student of William's at Harvard
(d) Henry's father's best friend

5. What had Henry heard about Oscar Wilde's parents?
(a) His mother was mad or revolutionary , his father a philanderer.
(b) His parents were of the Irish nobility.
(c) Wilde's parents had disowned him for being homosexual.
(d) His mother was a lesbian, his father a homosexual

6. Describe Alice, Henry's younger sister.
(a) She was a robust, happy girl.
(b) She was pretty but shallow.
(c) She was healthy and very athletic.
(d) She was in ill health but stoic.

7. Who was Lord Alfred Douglas?
(a) Lord Wolseley's cousin
(b) a homosexual friend who slept with Wilde's boys after he did
(c) Wilde's cousin
(d) Henry's friend and patron

8. What profession did Henry's friend, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., have?
(a) judge
(b) physician
(c) journalist
(d) soldier

9. What is the name of the producer and lead actor of Henry's play?
(a) Trevor
(b) Oscar
(c) William
(d) Alexander

10. Who were the children in the ghost story Henry wrote?
(a) two young brothers
(b) two girls and their younger brother
(c) a boy and his younger sister
(d) three young sisters

11. Who did Gosse say would produce unwashed boys to give evidence against Wilde?
(a) a newspaper reporter
(b) Douglas's father
(c) Lady Wolseley
(d) Sturges

12. How was the only child guest at the Royal hospital dressed for the costume ball?
(a) as an angel
(b) as Little Bo Peep
(c) as a fairy princess
(d) as the infanta of Velaquez' painting

13. Who was Mr. Webster?
(a) the cook at the Royal Hospital
(b) Lady Wolseley's nephew
(c) a servant at the Royal Hospital
(d) the MP, friend of Lady Wolseley and foe to Henry

14. How did the audience like Oscar Wilde's play, AN IDEAL HUSBAND?
(a) They hated it.
(b) They loved it.
(c) They were bored with it.
(d) They were shocked by it.

15. Why were the family meals a trial for Alice?
(a) She didn't like being with the family but wanted to be alone.
(b) She was asked by her parents to tell about her day.
(c) Bob and Wilky teased her and left her defenseless.
(d) She had no appetite and was constantly urged to eat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What famous novelist visited the Jameses in Paris?

2. Who was Hammond?

3. What English locale did Henry fall in love with?

4. Who was Lord Houghton?

5. What situation leads Henry to compose a new story?

(see the answer keys)

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