The Man Without Qualities Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who rescued Ulrich in Chapter 12?
(a) Mary.
(b) Bonadea.
(c) Jan.
(d) Leona.

2. To whom did her husband appear more gifted than Ulrich in Chapter 15?
(a) Janice.
(b) Bonadea.
(c) Clarisse.
(d) Leona.

3. Which of the following did Ulrich notice that the country he visited was in during a protracted period in Chapter 21?
(a) Feudalism.
(b) Civil war.
(c) Democracy.
(d) Political stalemate.

4. What kind of woman was Ulrich's rescuer?
(a) Deceitful.
(b) Loving.
(c) Sensuous.
(d) Lustful.

5. Which of the following types of commoner was Diotoma's husband?
(a) Everyday.
(b) Highest.
(c) Lowest.
(d) Mediocre.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following was Robert Musil's nationality?

2. How many children did the woman who rescued Ulrich have?

3. In Chapter 6, who found Ulrich in a dreadful condition and sent him home in a cab?

4. What type of communication did Ulrich find among the people whom he studied and worked with in Chapter 10?

5. Who was Diotoma's husband?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the rumor about Arnheim in Chapter 26, and how did that reflect fears within the region?

2. Describe Moosbrugger's reaction to public fame in Chapter 54.

3. Describe Musil's observations of old age and youth in Chapter 45.

4. In Chapter 19, what did Musil say about the effect of the turn of the Century on people?

5. Describe Ulrich and Diotima's interaction in Chapter 69.

6. Why was Clarisse sad about Walter by Chapter 15 and 16?

7. Describe Musil's view on fights and the effect that it had on Ulrich in Chapters 7 and 8.

8. Describe Leo Fischel who is mentioned in Chapter 35.

9. Why did Soliman get jealous and angry when he grew up?

10. Describe the love interest that friends pushed Ulrich to make in Chapter 22.

(see the answer keys)

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