The Man Without Qualities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Without Qualities Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the teenager mentioned in Chapter 44?
(a) George.
(b) Soliman.
(c) Frank.
(d) Timothy.

2. In Chapter 56, who of the following sent a letter about Ulrich?
(a) Arnheim.
(b) Leinsdorf.
(c) Clarisse.
(d) Soliman.

3. What was Fischel's job in Chapter 35?
(a) Warden.
(b) Writer.
(c) Communicator.
(d) Director.

4. Who was born in poverty with dirt coming up through the floorboards in Chapter 40?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Janice.
(c) Melissa.
(d) Diotoma.

5. Who was famous in Chapter 48?
(a) Ulrich.
(b) Diotoma.
(c) Bonadea.
(d) Arnheim.

6. Which of the following were viewed in relation to each other in Chapter 45?
(a) Old age and youth.
(b) Beauty and ugliness.
(c) Rich and poor.
(d) Obesity and proper body weight.

7. Which of the following was the Collateral Campaign inclusive of in Chapter 44?
(a) The Germanic triad of nations.
(b) The Italian conglomeration.
(c) The Scandinavian originals.
(d) The British confederation.

8. Which of the following campaigns mentioned in Chapter 35 was associated with Austrian patriotism?
(a) The Political Campaign.
(b) The Species Campaign.
(c) The Cultural Campaign.
(d) The Collateral Campaign.

9. Who played the piano in Chapter 38?
(a) Fischel and Leinsdorf.
(b) Ulrich and Maria.
(c) Clarisse and Walter.
(d) Bonadea and Walter.

10. Who of the following showed the received letter to Ulrich?
(a) Soliman.
(b) Arnheim.
(c) Clarisse.
(d) Leinsdorf.

11. With whom did Fischel's daughter share a friendship in Chapter 35?
(a) Ulrich.
(b) Walter.
(c) Stefan.
(d) Mark.

12. Who was horrified by the journalist's establishment in Chapter 37?
(a) Fischel.
(b) Walter.
(c) Leinsdorf.
(d) Ulrich.

13. Which of the following types of energy was considered to have contributed to Moosbrugger's negative attitude toward women in Chapter 60?
(a) Spiritual.
(b) Intellectual.
(c) Sexual.
(d) Emotional.

14. Which of the following were synonymous to scientific and beneficial in Chapter 61?
(a) Profound and philosophical.
(b) Poetic and graphic.
(c) Rational and exact.
(d) Artistic and musical.

15. Who learned about the murderer through newspapers in Chapter 38?
(a) Clarisse.
(b) Fischel.
(c) Bonadea.
(d) Walter.

Short Answer Questions

1. To which of the following did the adopted boy react intensely in Chapter 55?

2. Which of the following did Diotoma's friend consider to be intolerant in Chapter 65?

3. In Chapter 55, which of the following was noted as the adopted boy's means of employment upon having grown up?

4. What did Musil consider to be greater than mankind in Chapter 45?

5. Who of the following was the wife mentioned in Chapter 51?

(see the answer keys)

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