The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the time the meeting takes place, how many boats controlled by The Group are loaded with raw sugar outside United States' harbors?
(a) Four.
(b) Ten.
(c) Eight.
(d) Six.

2. What was the name of the British agent that Scaramanga killed a few days earlier?
(a) Redlin.
(b) Havner.
(c) Ross.
(d) Brea.

3. Who does Bond believe Nick Nicholson is with?
(a) The Mossad.
(b) The CIA.
(c) The FBI.
(d) The KGB.

4. According to the plan Scaramanga lays out for his guests, where will the train stop?
(a) The Island Harbor.
(b) Green Island Harbor.
(c) Blue Island Harbor.
(d) Red Island Harbor.

5. After Scaramanga challenges Bond to make the evening better and Bond asks Scaramanga for the item, who shouts for Scaramanga to give Bond what he asked for?
(a) Gengerella.
(b) Binion.
(c) Rotkopf.
(d) Paradise.

Short Answer Questions

1. Before the negotiations begin, who does Scaramanga ask to leave the room?

2. Ten days after Bond regains consciousness and is part of a meeting in his hospital room, who is given absolute authority to close the meeting if Bond shows any signs of strain?

3. Just as Bond is about to shoot Scaramanga, Scaramanga makes one final request. What does Scaramanga ask Bond for?

4. According to what Scaramanga tells the man he is meeting with, from where did Scaramanga hire the two managers to handle the hotel people for Scaramanga's conference?

5. According to the "official" report, who were Leiter, Nicholson, and Bond working under the direction of?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Scaramanga, only one thing changes now that Scaramanga has heard what the other man at the morning meeting has to say. What is the one thing that changes?

2. When Scaramanga tells Bond that they "must have a shooting match one of these days", how does Bond respond?

3. When the other man at Scaramanga's morning meeting asks Scaramanga how he allowed James Bond into the middle of The Group's negotiations, what does Scaramanga say?

4. According to the "Gleaner", who was killed when the bridge near Green Island Harbour "collapsed"?

5. As Bond hunts for Scaramanga in the Morass, why does Bond pull up his coat collar?

6. According to Scaramanga's reminder as the men begin to argue with each other, what was the first agreement the men made when the Co-operative was first formed?

7. What is the meeting taking place in Bond's hospital room for?

8. When the stowaway shows himself on the train, what is the stowaway's plan for Bond?

9. As Bond hunts for Scaramanga in the Morass, what does Bond allow himself to think about?

10. While Bond is meeting with Nicholson and Leiter in the back office, what do the three men decide to do while the body of Rotkopf is being disposed of?

(see the answer keys)

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