The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aboard the train, how many spare magazines for his gun is Bond carrying?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) One.

2. As Bond dictates his return message to M, how much longer will it be before Bond is released from the hospital?
(a) One week.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) One month.

3. When a voice erupts from the back of the train, who does the voice of the stowaway belong to?
(a) Leiter.
(b) Goodnight.
(c) M.
(d) Nicholson.

4. According to what Scaramanga tells Bond in the Morass, how many men has Scaramanga killed in his lifetime?
(a) 50.
(b) 40.
(c) 49.
(d) 39.

5. In order to organize the next day's train trip, who does Scaramanga tell Bond to talk with in the morning?
(a) The manager.
(b) The caterer.
(c) The conductor.
(d) The engineer.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Goodnight tells Bond the first congratulatory message from M, what word is Goodnight excited that M repeats in his message?

2. What excuse does Bond give to Scaramanga when he tries to leave the party after dinner?

3. Who refuses to take part in the phony Notes?

4. According to names the first speaker gives, who did NOT engage in the extensive purchasing of July sugar futures for their own personal gain?

5. The morning of the train trip, who asks for a secure telephone line because the telephone in his room is "not secure enough"?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Bond enters the conference room at the start of Scaramanga's meeting, what are Scaramanga's instructions to Bond?

2. While Bond is meeting with Nicholson and Leiter in the back office, what do the three men decide to do while the body of Rotkopf is being disposed of?

3. When Scaramanga tells Bond that they "must have a shooting match one of these days", how does Bond respond?

4. As Bond hunts for Scaramanga in the Morass, what does Bond allow himself to think about?

5. In the opinion of Scaramanga's chief, what is the only consideration of Mafia men?

6. When the other man at Scaramanga's morning meeting asks Scaramanga how he allowed James Bond into the middle of The Group's negotiations, what does Scaramanga say?

7. According to the "Gleaner", who was killed when the bridge near Green Island Harbour "collapsed"?

8. As Bond hunts for Scaramanga in the Morass, why does Bond pull up his coat collar?

9. What important message does the first speaker at the meeting have for the Chairman?

10. When Scaramanga begins his morning meeting, what is the first thing he learns from the other man at the meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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