The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man with the Golden Gun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to what Bond tells his visitor, where did Scaramanga murder Ross?
(a) In London.
(b) In Kingston.
(c) In Havana.
(d) In Trinidad.

2. As Scaramanga is leaving Bond's hotel room, who does Scaramanga tell Bond he has a meeting with the next morning?
(a) Mr. Garfinkel.
(b) Mr. Hendriks.
(c) Mr. Leiter.
(d) Mr. Nicholson.

3. According to what Bond's visitor tells him, where does HQ think Bond is?
(a) In Kingston.
(b) In Havana.
(c) In Trinidad.
(d) In London.

4. According to the plan Scaramanga lays out for his guests, how long will the train trip be?
(a) Fifteen miles.
(b) Five miles.
(c) Twenty miles.
(d) Ten miles.

5. The morning of the train trip, who asks for a secure telephone line because the telephone in his room is "not secure enough"?
(a) Garfinkel.
(b) Nicholson.
(c) Leiter.
(d) Hendriks.

6. What is Nicholson's cover name?
(a) David Barston.
(b) Steve Mooney.
(c) Stanley Jones.
(d) Nick Munster.

7. Who calls the "official" meeting to order that takes place in Bond's hospital room?
(a) The Head of Station C.
(b) The Police Commissioner.
(c) The Supreme Court judge.
(d) The Prime Minister.

8. According to what Scaramanga tells Bond in the Morass, how many men has Scaramanga killed in his lifetime?
(a) 50.
(b) 40.
(c) 39.
(d) 49.

9. According to the "official" report, which group was NOT among those represented at the Thunderbird Hotel?
(a) The Soviet Secret Service.
(b) The Cuban Secret Police.
(c) The Mafia.
(d) The FBI.

10. Just as Bond is about to shoot Scaramanga, Scaramanga makes one final request. What does Scaramanga ask Bond for?
(a) A moment to pray.
(b) A drink of water.
(c) A message to give his son.
(d) A last meal.

11. How does M sign his communications?
(a) Monsterfist.
(b) Masterfist.
(c) Mailedfist.
(d) Misterfist.

12. As Bond snaps his mind back into focus while hunting for Scaramanga in the Morass, about how far from the bridge is Bond?
(a) About 200 feet.
(b) About 100 feet.
(c) About 200 yards.
(d) About 100 yards.

13. When Bond begins listening at the door to the meeting in the conference room, who is speaking?
(a) Hendriks.
(b) Gengerella.
(c) Binion.
(d) Scaramanga.

14. At the time the meeting takes place, how many boats controlled by The Group are loaded with raw sugar outside United States' harbors?
(a) Four.
(b) Eight.
(c) Six.
(d) Ten.

15. As Bond's visitor supports the excuse Bond gives to Scaramanga, by what name does Bond's visitor call Scaramanga?
(a) Mr. Baranga.
(b) Mr. Scarman.
(c) Mr. Scramble.
(d) Mr. Ramang.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the last person, aside from Bond, to arrive at the conference room for Scaramanga's meeting?

2. Aboard the train, who is responsible for killing Gengerella?

3. After Scaramanga challenges Bond to make the evening better and Bond asks Scaramanga for the item, who shouts for Scaramanga to give Bond what he asked for?

4. Aboard the train, Scaramanga asks to see some gun play from Bond. What does Scaramanga tell Bond to shoot?

5. Who refuses to help Scaramanga dispose of the dead body - citing that he's a good Catholic?

(see the answer keys)

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