The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What disease did Fletcher say plagued William Wallace Bass?
(a) Diabetes.
(b) Tuberculosis.
(c) Hepatitis.
(d) Emphysema.

2. What did Jim Bailey and the Park naturalist carry with them back over the Rim after speaking with Fletcher in the limestone cave?
(a) All the food supplies.
(b) Fletcher's only piece of rope.
(c) The murmurs of life.
(d) Fletcher's last hope.

3. About what specific skill did Fletcher compliment William Wallace Bass?
(a) His prospecting skills.
(b) His construction ability.
(c) His ability to garden in the desert climate.
(d) His congeniality.

4. How does Fletcher describe the last barrier he passed after leaving Phantom Ranch as he made his way toward his next air drop?
(a) A rapid flowing portion of the river with sharp rocks and no bridge.
(b) A cliff with "snaggle-toothed projections" on its face.
(c) A deep ravine that drops off into another canyon.
(d) An area with a high population of mountain lions.

5. What did Fletcher say would be different about how he would fit into society after his experience in the Grand Canyon?
(a) He planned to camp outside the Canyon protesting tourists.
(b) He planned to live as a hermit.
(c) He thought he would be a better citizen because of his new insights.
(d) He was afraid he would not fit in well after spending so much time alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Fletcher quote at the end of "Part 4, Epilogue" as saying the Grand Canyon should be left alone?

2. What was on the sheets of paper Fletcher found in "Chapter 10, Exit?"

3. How many years did William Wallace Bass live in the Canyon?

4. What action by William Wallace Bass did Fletcher disagree with?

5. Why did Fletcher sound strange when he spoke to Jim Bailey in "Chapter 6, Rock?"

(see the answer keys)

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