The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Final Test - Medium

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of "Chapter 8, Life" what did Fletcher say he should have known "would drag me back into the present?"
(a) Becoming ill.
(b) The Great Unconformity.
(c) Seeing a little boy playing in the dirt.
(d) Phantom Ranch.

2. What creatures did Fletcher enjoy observing after passing the last barrier past Phantom Ranch?
(a) Coyotes.
(b) Chipmunks.
(c) Beavers.
(d) Eagles.

3. Where did Fletcher decide to spend the last two weeks of his journey?
(a) In the Supai village.
(b) Studying the museum of the Grand Canyon.
(c) In a cave by the river.
(d) At Bass Camp.

4. What was the 3rd intrusion from the outside world that Fletcher describes in "Chapter 10, Exit?"
(a) A skywriter writing a marriage proposal in the sky.
(b) A stone cairn containing a rusty can.
(c) Jim Bailey landing a plane on an airstrip.
(d) A family putting in a boat at the shore of the Colorado River.

5. According to Fletcher, what was the motivation behind the Pacific Southwest Water Plan engineers?
(a) They were concerned for wildlife that was dying because of a drought.
(b) They wanted to divert tourism away from the Grand Canyon to preserve it.
(c) They wanted the challenge and were trying to save their jobs.
(d) They wanted to divert water from the Grand Canyon so it would stop changing and remain beautiful forever.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Fletcher say would be different about how he would fit into society after his experience in the Grand Canyon?

2. What other changes was Fletcher concerned would occur if the Pacific Southwest Water Plan passed?

3. What realization did Fletcher reach as he spent time observing wildlife on the sand bar?

4. What disease did Fletcher say plagued William Wallace Bass?

5. How many years did William Wallace Bass live in the Canyon?

(see the answer keys)

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