The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Fletcher feel about leaving the Canyon in "Chapter 10 Exit?"
(a) He was ready to be up and out..
(b) He was disappointed that he could not stay another week.
(c) He was so sad, he cried.
(d) He wanted to stay and build a dude ranch.

2. Who were Al and Elma Milotte?
(a) Famous explorers.
(b) A famous Walt Disney nature photography team.
(c) Jazz musicians.
(d) A famous Hollywood couple.

3. What did Fletcher claim he began to hear as he traveled?
(a) Crickets.
(b) Doves.
(c) A ringing in his ears.
(d) The rhythm of the rock.

4. Where were William Wallace Bass's ashes scattered?
(a) A butte called Holy Grail Temple.
(b) Into the Colorado River.
(c) Into the air from the Rim.
(d) Along the trail to Bass Camp.

5. What other changes was Fletcher concerned would occur if the Pacific Southwest Water Plan passed.
(a) The Grand Canyon would be used as a landfill.
(b) Graffiti and pollution would spoil the surfaces of the cliff dwellings.
(c) Fletcher's book wouldn't sell because no one would want to visit the Grand Canyon anymore.
(d) The tourist industry at the Grand Canyon would die, taking money with it.

6. Whom does Fletcher quote at the end of "Part 4, Epilogue" as saying the Grand Canyon should be left alone?
(a) John Wayne.
(b) Roy Rogers.
(c) President Ronald Reagan.
(d) President Theodore Roosevelt.

7. What did Fletcher attend a few weeks after the end of his journey through the Grand Canyon?
(a) A meeting for the Grand Canyon Tourist Committee.
(b) A pow-wow with the Havasupai Indians.
(c) A conference on the Pacific Southwest Water Plan.
(d) A meeting of environmental activists.

8. What was the first intrusion from the outside world that Fletcher outlines in "Chapter 10, Exit?"
(a) Music from a camper's transistor radio.
(b) Helicopter tracks.
(c) A baseball.
(d) A group of hikers.

9. At the beginning of "Chapter 10, Exit," what does Fletcher say caught up with him while he was washing in the Nankoweap Creek?
(a) The world.
(b) A bear.
(c) A swarm of bees.
(d) Arthritis.

10. In what ancient living quarters did Fletcher sleep in "Chapter 9, Man?"
(a) A natural cave.
(b) Cliff dwellings.
(c) An ancient oak.
(d) An adobe hut on beside the Colorado River.

11. Where was Fletcher headed at the beginning of "Chapter 9, Man?"
(a) Across the river.
(b) Into a deep valley.
(c) To the air drop site.
(d) Back to Phantom Ranch.

12. What did Fletcher attend a few weeks after the end of his journey through the Grand Canyon?
(a) A pow-wow with the Havasupai Indians.
(b) A conference on the Pacific Southwest Water Plan.
(c) A meeting of environmental activists.
(d) A meeting for the Grand Canyon Tourist Committee.

13. What was Fletcher afraid would be the most tragic loss for the Grand Canyon if the proposed water plan went through?
(a) The silence.
(b) Boss Camp.
(c) The mules.
(d) The Havasupai Village.

14. About what specific skill did Fletcher compliment William Wallace Bass?
(a) His ability to garden in the desert climate.
(b) His congeniality.
(c) His construction ability.
(d) His prospecting skills.

15. How does Fletcher describe the last barrier he passed after leaving Phantom Ranch as he made his way toward his next air drop?
(a) A cliff with "snaggle-toothed projections" on its face.
(b) An area with a high population of mountain lions.
(c) A deep ravine that drops off into another canyon.
(d) A rapid flowing portion of the river with sharp rocks and no bridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fletcher mainly address in "Part 4, Epilogue?"

2. What was the 2nd intrusion from the outside world that Fletcher describes in "Chapter 10, Exit?"

3. At the beginning of "Chapter 10, Exit," what does Fletcher say caught up with him while he was washing in the Nankoweap Creek?

4. How did Fletcher know the Milottes?

5. What realization did Fletcher reach as he spent time observing wildlife on the sand bar?

(see the answer keys)

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