The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Walked Through Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Colin Fletcher
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Fletcher describe the Grand Canyon?
(a) "An upside-down mountain wonder."
(b) "Huge stacks of multicolored rock."
(c) "A gigantic hole in the desert plateau."
(d) "A chasm . . . like a gigantic and impossible desert crevasse."

2. What questions does Fletcher say he hoped he would find some solutions for as he traveled the Grand Canyon?
(a) "Was there really a great flood?" and "Is the Grand Canyon really as old as they say?"
(b) "Where did we come from?" and "What are we doing here?""
(c) "How do the Havasupai live?" and "What is the history of the mule?"
(d) "How long can a man go without human contact?" and "What current wild animals can be domesticated?"

3. What material makes up the first and youngest layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) Limestone.
(b) Silt.
(c) Quartz.
(d) Volcanic ash.

4. What is the current age estimate of the sixth layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) 20 thousand years.
(b) 475 million years.
(c) 500 thousand years.
(d) 800 million years.

5. What did Fletcher pass and nearly miss altogether in "Chapter 4, Challenge?"
(a) The first air drop of supplies.
(b) The only fresh water for miles.
(c) The gap in the pass.
(d) The trail through the ravine.

6. What was one of the first things Fletcher noticed as he began his journey?
(a) The sound of crickets and frogs.
(b) The vast silence and emptiness of the canyon.
(c) The moonlight reflecting on the rocks.
(d) The darkness of the night.

7. In "Chapter 4, Challenge," Fletcher describes the Esplanade as a maze. What constant choice does he say a traveler had to make all along the Esplanade?
(a) Whether to go straight across the river or travel downstream to a narrower spot.
(b) How long to stay in the area.
(c) Whether to follow the wildlife trail or forge his own.
(d) Whether to go across the rock terraces or across the talus.

8. What cheerful tribal tourist manager did Fletcher meet in "Chapter 3, Interlude?"
(a) John Wesley Powell.
(b) Neil Ukwalla.
(c) Lorenzo Sinyala.
(d) Colin Fletcher.

9. What term does the author use for what comprises the third layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) The Grand Layer.
(b) The Supai Formation.
(c) The Canyon Layer.
(d) The Great Formation.

10. According to Fletcher, what would the rest of nature around the Grand Canyon do?
(a) Stay exactly the same.
(b) Adapt to the continuing changes.
(c) Become tame and friendly to survive growing tourism.
(d) Go through a period of reduction to make room for more species.

11. What material comprises the sixth layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) Silt.
(b) Bright Angel Shale.
(c) Quartz.
(d) Sandstone.

12. According to the Fletcher, how did the changes in the earth that formed the Grand Canyon happen?
(a) Moderately after a cataclysmic event.
(b) Quickly after an eruption.
(c) Dramatically with a large explosion.
(d) Very slowly.

13. What is the area directly above the seventh layer of the Grand Canyon called?
(a) The Rim.
(b) The Red Wall.
(c) The Tonto Platform.
(d) The Grand Trench.

14. With what event does "Chapter 5, Transition" begin?
(a) A Cessna flying away.
(b) Fletcher running out of water.
(c) Wolves attacking the camp.
(d) Fletcher falling into a ravine.

15. Approximately how thick is the fifth layer of the Grand Canyon?
(a) 50 feet.
(b) 200 feet.
(c) 1000 feet.
(d) 500 feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were some of the necessary items Fletcher took with him on his journey?

2. Who drove Fletcher to the parking area at the edge of the Rim?

3. What advice did Lorenzo Sinyala offer to Fletcher?

4. What does Fletcher say he realized he might be doing when he hiked through the Grand Canyon?

5. How long did Dr. Harvey Butchart study the Grand Canyon?

(see the answer keys)

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