The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Porthos and Aramis attempt to escape in Chapter 46?
(a) By wearing the uniforms of their prisoners and mixing with the attacking soldiers.
(b) Through the grotto of Locmaria.
(c) They attempt to swim away from the Isle.
(d) In disguise on a fishing boat.

2. What does the king order D'Artagnan to do for his advisers when they get to Nantes in Chapter 34?
(a) Take notes on their meeting.
(b) Send gift to them for their journey.
(c) Guard them.
(d) Spy on their meetings.

3. Where is D'Artagnan's intended destination when he heads for the stables after resigning in Nantes?
(a) He is going to Paris.
(b) He wants to return to Belle-Isle.
(c) He is leaving the country for Spain.
(d) He plans to visit Athos.

4. Who does D'Artagnan request to speak with at Nantes in Chapter 37?
(a) Marazin.
(b) Colbert.
(c) Fouquet.
(d) The king.

5. Who fires a shot at Raoul and Athos on the Isle of St. Marguerite?
(a) The Governor.
(b) D'Artagnan.
(c) The sentinel.
(d) Fouquet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of advice does Athos give to Raoul in Chapter 33?

2. What does Aramis ask a fisherman to communicate to D'Artagnan in Chapter 42?

3. What does D'Artagnan receive as soon as he returns to the fort in Chapter 32?

4. How do Aramis and Porthos know the father of the soldier they take prisoner in Chapter 46?

5. Which king is the Beaufort's father?

(see the answer keys)

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