The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the king order D'Artagnan to do for his advisers when they get to Nantes in Chapter 34?
(a) Guard them.
(b) Spy on their meetings.
(c) Send gift to them for their journey.
(d) Take notes on their meeting.

2. What position does Beaufort offer Raoul in his army?
(a) Aid-de-camp.
(b) Foot soldier.
(c) Spy.
(d) Calvary Captain.

3. When D'Artagnan decides to resign, what does he think the fleet will be forced to do?
(a) Return to Paris.
(b) Attack without him.
(c) Wait for his replacement.
(d) Return to Nantes.

4. What interrupts Aramis and Porthos as they are getting a boat ready to flee?
(a) A servant coming with their gold and silver.
(b) A courier with a letter from Fouquet.
(c) A pack of dogs chasing a fox.
(d) D'Artagnan coming to their aid.

5. What does Raoul wish for before drinking from the goblet in Chapter 27?
(a) To accompany Beaufort to Gigelli.
(b) To rekindle his romance with La Valliere.
(c) For the king to die.
(d) For his own death.

6. What does D'Artagnan receive as soon as he returns to the fort in Chapter 32?
(a) A gift from Fouquet.
(b) A letter from the king.
(c) A letter from Aramis.
(d) A letter from Porthos.

7. What does Aramis show the captain of the ship in Chapter 51 that causes the captain to follow his orders.
(a) A signed letter from Fouquet.
(b) A ring.
(c) A signed letter from the king.
(d) A sword.

8. What reason does Colbert give for not passing Fouquet in his boat in Chapter 37?
(a) He tries to pass Fouquet but is unable to.
(b) He is ordered to follow Fouquet by D'Artagnan.
(c) He wishes to take a more leisurely pace on his journey.
(d) He doesn't out of respect.

9. What fate does the Queen wish for Aramis as expressed in Chapter 36?
(a) She wants him imprisoned for life.
(b) She wants him appointed Prime Minister.
(c) She wants him killed.
(d) She wants him pardoned and to return to his previous status.

10. What do Fouquet's friends give him in the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Letters of introduction to foreign courts.
(b) Jewelry.
(c) New clothing and supplies for his journey.
(d) Money.

11. When Fouquet receives a note in Chapter 39, what is promised to aid his escape from the king?
(a) Asylum at a nearby fortress.
(b) A white horse.
(c) A disguise.
(d) A fast carriage.

12. What does Colbert tell D'Artagnan to do at Belle-Isle in order to be promoted?
(a) Arrest Aramis and Porthos.
(b) Allow Aramis to escape, but kill Porthos.
(c) Kill Aramis and Porthos.
(d) Procure Fouquet's fortune from Belle-Isle.

13. From studying the map in Planchet's store, where do Athos and Raoul suppose that D'Artagnan is journeying?
(a) To Spain.
(b) To England.
(c) To Italy.
(d) To Cannes.

14. How does Porthos kill the captain of the guards pursing them in Chapter 49?
(a) He strikes him with an iron bar.
(b) He drowns him in the river.
(c) He strangles him.
(d) He shoots him.

15. Why does the Provencal fisherman refuse to have his boat conscripted by Raoul in Chapter 31?
(a) He dislikes Raoul.
(b) His boat is already engaged by Aramis and Porthos.
(c) He wants to stay and fish while the other boats are employed.
(d) His boat is damaged and unable to sail.

Short Answer Questions

1. What order of the king does an Officer give D'Artagnan after he decides to resign?

2. When Fouquet suspects D'Artagnan is about to arrest him in Chapter 38, how does D'Artagnan respond?

3. How do Aramis and Porthos know the father of the soldier they take prisoner in Chapter 46?

4. Who confirms the death of Raoul to Athos?

5. What does De Guiche promise Raoul in Chapter 28?

(see the answer keys)

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