The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does the king give for not telling D'Artagnan about Porthos's death when he knew of it in Chapter 54?
(a) The king was afraid D'Artagnan would not retain his post if he knew.
(b) The king tried to send a message to D'Artagnan, but he did not recieve it.
(c) The king wanted to punish D'Artagnan.
(d) The king wanted D'Artagnan to find out for himself.

2. What does Raoul wish for before drinking from the goblet in Chapter 27?
(a) To rekindle his romance with La Valliere.
(b) For the king to die.
(c) To accompany Beaufort to Gigelli.
(d) For his own death.

3. What substance is covering Monsieur Planchet when Athos and Raoul arrive to pay him a visit in Chapter 29?
(a) Flour.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Dust.
(d) Arsenic.

4. Which lady friend of Louise de la Valliere's accuses Louise of killing Raoul if he dies in Africa?
(a) The Queen.
(b) Mademoiselle de Montalais.
(c) No finds her bahavoir towards Raoul amiss.
(d) Mademoiselle de Tonnay-Charente.

5. What is the name of Planchet's intended bride?
(a) Marie.
(b) Anne.
(c) Margeruite.
(d) Truchen.

6. Where does D'Artagnan offer to take Mouston in Chapter 55?
(a) To Athos's home.
(b) Back to the Chateau Vallon.
(c) To his own home.
(d) Into the country for a respite.

7. While D'Artagnan is in audience with the King in Chapter 53, what news does a courier bring?
(a) That Philippe has died.
(b) That Aramis and Porthos have escaped.
(c) That Fouquet has escaped.
(d) That Raoul has died.

8. After D'Artagnan agrees to cooperate and not resign his post in Chapter 53, what does King Louis offer?
(a) To promote D'Artagnan.
(b) To pardon Aramis and Porthos.
(c) To free Fouquet.
(d) To give D'Artagnan a large fortune.

9. Which character does Raoul warn De Guiche to beware of in Chapter 28?
(a) Colbert.
(b) Montalais.
(c) The king.
(d) La Valliere.

10. What reason does Colbert give D'Artagnan for conspiring against Fouquet in Chapter 41?
(a) He was upset after Fouquet stole his mistress.
(b) Colbert acted only on errand from the Queen.
(c) He was jealous of Vaux.
(d) He claims Fouquet was holding him back from greatness.

11. What type of wine does Beaufort request when he visits Athos and Raoul in Chapter 27?
(a) White wine.
(b) De Vouvray wine.
(c) Chardonnay.
(d) Red wine.

12. What does Aramis ask a fisherman to communicate to D'Artagnan in Chapter 42?
(a) He wants D'Artagnan to leave with the fleet.
(b) He wants D'Artagnan to alert Fouquet about the attack of Belle-Isle.
(c) He wants D'Artagnan to come to the island.
(d) He wants D'Artagnan to allow him and Porthos to escape.

13. What does De Guiche promise Raoul in Chapter 28?
(a) To keep a secret for Raoul.
(b) To never steal another man's love.
(c) To defend La Valliere where possible.
(d) To make La Valliere suffer.

14. When Fouquet receives a note in Chapter 39, what is promised to aid his escape from the king?
(a) Asylum at a nearby fortress.
(b) A fast carriage.
(c) A disguise.
(d) A white horse.

15. When D'Artagnan arrives back in Paris, who does he find has taken ill in Chapter 34?
(a) Colbert.
(b) The king.
(c) Fouquet.
(d) Philippe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where has Planchet purchased an estate to live out his retirement in?

2. What does D'Artagnan tell Raoul and Athos to pretend to be in Chapter 31?

3. Why does the Provencal fisherman refuse to have his boat conscripted by Raoul in Chapter 31?

4. How does Aramis spend his night on the ship in Chapter 51?

5. When King Louis XIV orders D'Artagnan to arrest Fouquet in Chapter 40, what does the king want to prevent Fouquet from doing in transit?

(see the answer keys)

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