The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man in the Iron Mask Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the prisoner discover that the lady who visited him monthly during his childhood was the Queen?
(a) His nurse told him.
(b) A servant from the village informed him.
(c) The Queen herself told him.
(d) He overheard his caretakers discussing her.

2. What finally convinces D'Artagnan that the king does not wish to see him in Chapter 20?
(a) The arrival of the king's servant with breakfast.
(b) Aramis's persuasion.
(c) The voice of the king telling him they'll meet later.
(d) A note signed by the king.

3. How much money does Aramis offer to Philippe should he decide to go to Bas-Poitou?
(a) A large measure of gold.
(b) One thousand pistols.
(c) He doesn't offer him any money, only freedom.
(d) Ten thousand francs.

4. In Chapter 9, what does Aramis claim has consecrated Philippe to be king?
(a) The persecution he has undergone.
(b) The misdeeds of Louis XIV.
(c) The will of the people.
(d) The legitimacy of his birth.

5. How does Baisemeaux ensure that no one sees the king when he brought by Aramis to the prison?
(a) He forces the king to wear a mask.
(b) He rings a bell and beats a drum to clear the passages.
(c) He takes him into the prison by a secret passage.
(d) He forces the king to wear a sack over his head.

6. In Chapter 19, who does Fouquet claim is the true owner over Vaux?
(a) He claims Vaux belongs to posterity and those hwo created it.
(b) He claims that Vaux belongs to his son.
(c) Vaux belongs to the king.
(d) Fouquet claims to be the only true owner of Vaux.

7. What causes King Louis to come to terms with his imprisonment in the Bastille?
(a) The shadow of the prison bars cast by the morning sun on his wall.
(b) The sounds of other prisoners wailing in agony.
(c) The appearance of his first meager meal.
(d) The appearance of a giant rat.

8. According to Aramis in Chapter 1, who will come to fetch the prisoner in the future?
(a) Aramis himself will come.
(b) Baisemeaux.
(c) The Queen.
(d) He does not tell the prisoner who will rescue him.

9. What does Fouquet request of Aramis after he draws his sword in Chapter 21?
(a) He asks Aramis to retrieve Louis.
(b) He asks Aramis to take his life.
(c) He asks Aramis to kill Philippe.
(d) He challenges Aramis to a duel.

10. What prompts D'Artagnan to suspect that Aramis is up to something in Chapter 14?
(a) A tip from a servant.
(b) His instincts.
(c) A conversation between Aramis and Philippe he overheard.
(d) A private letter of Aramis's that he has intercepted.

11. What is unique about the ceiling of the king's bedchamber at Vaux?
(a) It is glass and can see into the starry night.
(b) It has a painting of good and bad dreams on it.
(c) It has a large chandelier with 1000 candles on it.
(d) It is pure gold.

12. What profession does Baisemeaux hold?
(a) Prison Guard.
(b) Priest.
(c) Bishop..
(d) Govenor of the Prison.

13. When Baisemeaux hears the noise of Louis in his cell in Chapter 18, what is his response?
(a) He laughs that the prisoner has gone mad as if it is a joke.
(b) He is annoyed, but just continues on with his meal.
(c) He sends a guard to silence Louis.
(d) He goes to see what the commotion is about.

14. What does Baisemeaux request from Fouquet before he can release the prisoner in Chapter 22?
(a) Proof of Fouquet's identity.
(b) A signed order from the king.
(c) An order signed by Aramis.
(d) An order signed by Fouquet.

15. How does Fouquet regard Aramis's act of abducting Louis XIV?
(a) He views it as great luck for him.
(b) He is indifferent to the action.
(c) The fate of Louis saddens him.
(d) He regards it as a great crime and it angers him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Pellisson working on in Chapter 6, for the fete at Vaux?

2. What is the king screaming when Fouquet stands outside his cell in Chapter 22?

3. At what time of night was Louis XIV taken from his bed?

4. What does Aramis do to persuade Baisemeux to release the prisoner without further verifying the letter is not a forgery?

5. What does Aramis do with the document that calls for the release of Marchiali?

(see the answer keys)

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