The Lying Life of Adults Test | Final Test - Easy

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lying Life of Adults Test | Final Test - Easy

Elena Ferrante
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Corrado want to go walking with Giovanna in Part IV?
(a) The Floridiana.
(b) The Via Della Romero.
(c) The Via Della Corsico.
(d) The Costanto.

2. What does Giovanna impulsively tell her father she wants to read?
(a) The Gone With the Wind Series.
(b) The Italian Series.
(c) The Gospels.
(d) The Canterbury Tales.

3. What does Andrea tell Giovanna is important if she wants to be baptized?
(a) She needs to find a sponsor first.
(b) It had better not be Vittoria's idea or influence.
(c) If she has faith it is fine.
(d) She needs to have communion after that.

4. What does Nella do for Andrea that Giovanna thinks is unfair to Nella?
(a) Spends time taking his dog for walks.
(b) Spends time getting paperwork he asks her for him.
(c) Spends time doing is work for him.
(d) Looks after his and Costanza's house when the two of them go on holidays.

5. What does Angela mostly talk about when Costanza brings Giovanna to their house for the first time after Nella and Andrea's separation?
(a) Corrado.
(b) Ida.
(c) Tonino.
(d) Rosario.

6. Why does Giovanna get in trouble in school in Part IV?
(a) For having sex on school grounds.
(b) For stealing money from the school cafeteria.
(c) For making Mirella cry.
(d) For stabbing Silvestro with a pencil.

7. Why does Giovanna think Vittoria is pleased with her in Part IV?
(a) She made Vittoria look good in front of Roberto.
(b) She is bad-mouthing Andrea.
(c) She gave the bracelet back to Costanza.
(d) She is bad-mouthing Nella.

8. What annoys Giovanna about Costanza when she visits her house for the first time in Posillipo?
(a) Her clothes.
(b) Her sweet attentions.
(c) Her anger.
(d) Her arrogance.

9. Why does Giovanna feel out of place at church after hearing Roberto speak?
(a) She is the oldest person there.
(b) She is wearing a heavy winter coat in summer.
(c) She does not know anything about religion.
(d) She is wearing tight, low-cut clothes and heavy makeup.

10. What does Giuliana tell Giovanna that is kind in Part III?
(a) She has heard that Vittoria has been difficult and she will try to get her to behave better.
(b) She has heard Giovanna broke up with a boyfriend and she would like to help Giovanna get through the hard time.
(c) She has heard what happened with Giovanna's parents and she is very sorry about it.
(d) She has heard that Corrado treated her badly and she will speak to him about it.

11. How does Giovanna think she can be beautiful in Part IV, if not physically?
(a) Spiritually.
(b) Philosophically.
(c) Intellectually.
(d) Romantically.

12. What does Costanza do in front of Giovanna in Part III that alarms her?
(a) Cries.
(b) Pulls out her own hair.
(c) Walks in front of a car.
(d) Vomits.

13. Which of the following words does Giovanna repeatedly use to describe the bracelet to herself?
(a) Rowdy.
(b) Maleficent.
(c) Baleful.
(d) Sentient.

14. What does Mariano bring to Giovanna's house the first time he visits in Part IV?
(a) Bread.
(b) Pizza.
(c) Chocolates.
(d) Flowers.

15. What does Rosario ask Giovanna to do before he takes her home?
(a) Play cards with him.
(b) Have dinner with him.
(c) Kiss him.
(d) Have sex with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens in June in Part III that embarasses Giovanna?

2. What word do Corrado and Giovanna laugh over repeatedly when he comes to visit her alone in Part III?

3. What sinister word does Giovanna use to think about how the Lord treats humans?

4. How old is Giovanna when she first hears Roberto speak?

5. What does Giovanna confess to Don Giacomo but says too softly for him to hear?

(see the answer keys)

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