The Lost Horizon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost Horizon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Captain Charles Mallinson's position?
(a) Ambassador to Siam
(b) RAF military attache
(c) H.M. Vice-Consul
(d) Governor of Punjab

2. What does Conway believe that causes him to lead the group to the lamasery the pilot told him about?
(a) that they will never find it
(b) that they will all die trying to find it
(c) that it really does not exist
(d) that Buddhist monks are unlikely to murder them

3. How does Conway get away from Rutherford in Honolulu?
(a) he joins the crew of a banana boat going south to Fiji
(b) he gets a job on a whaling ship out of Japan
(c) he jumps ship and goes into hiding
(d) he stowes away on a ship returning to China

4. What is Karakal?
(a) the name of the nearest village
(b) a beautiful cone-shaped mountain
(c) the road to Shangri-La
(d) a Tibetan form of greeting

5. What does Mallison insist about the flight?
(a) that they are bucking a headwind
(b) that the pilot is going off course
(c) that the seats are uncomfortable
(d) that the plane will be late

6. What does Chang say is the core of their belief in Shangri-La?
(a) charity
(b) moderation
(c) abstenance
(d) isolationism

7. What does Miss Brinklow want to know about?
(a) education at Shangri-La
(b) the shops in Shangri-La
(c) the religion of Shangri-La
(d) other women in Shangri-La

8. How does the plane eventually land?
(a) easily
(b) badly
(c) smoothly
(d) perfectly

9. What precaution do the Tibetans take for their safety?
(a) warn them to be very quiet
(b) light signal fires along the way
(c) tie them together with ropes
(d) put them in back

10. What is the name Conway reads on his bathtub?
(a) Atlanta, Georgia
(b) Akron, Ohio
(c) Fresno, California
(d) Detroit, Michigan

11. What does Chang say about the books of maps?
(a) Shangri-La is not on them
(b) they do not have any
(c) they are kept locked up
(d) they are all in Chinese

12. What surprises Conway and the others?
(a) the man speaks to them in French
(b) the man has brought bowls of hot soup
(c) the man communicates with sign language
(d) the man speaks perfect English

13. When they are in sight of the lamasery, what do they see?
(a) thousands of lanterns
(b) several pavilions as colorful as flowers
(c) people waiting to greet them
(d) an avalanche coming down Karakal

14. What is the loud noise they hear?
(a) the tail breaks off
(b) a tire explodes
(c) the landing gear collapses
(d) the wings fall off

15. If they cannot have guides out of the mountain, what does Mallinson demand next?
(a) a map
(b) a radio transmitter
(c) yaks to ride out of the place
(d) a signal fire for passing planes

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the men ask Miss Brinklow?

2. What does the American attempt to do?

3. As they start down, how does the weather change?

4. Why is Conway the one to write SOS messages on scraps of paper?

5. As the survivors head out to find the lamasery, what do they see?

(see the answer keys)

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