The Lions of Little Rock Test | Final Test - Easy

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lions of Little Rock Test | Final Test - Easy

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Marlee's mother react to finding the Bible verse Marlee copied and put in her purse?
(a) She is puzzled and can't figure out who put it in her purse.
(b) She asks Marlee if she put the bible verse there but does not ask Marlee why.
(c) She asks Marlee's brother if he put it there and then gets sad.
(d) She asks Marlee's father if he put it there and then gets angry.

2. What does Mrs. Dalton ask of Marlee before she leaves her first WEC meeting?
(a) To give a message to Liz for her.
(b) Not to tell Sally she saw her there.
(c) Not to tell her mother she saw her there.
(d) Not to tell JT she saw her there.

3. What does Marlee tell JT about doing his math homework in Chapter 33?
(a) She says she will make sure to get more answers right.
(b) She says she will not do it any more.
(c) She says she will tell the teacher he has been cheating.
(d) She says he needs to start paying her.

4. What does Marlee steal that Red has left on a bench in Chapter 47?
(a) His driver's license.
(b) His ring.
(c) His wallet.
(d) The key to his car trunk.

5. What does Betty Jean insist on doing to demonstrate her gratitude for Marlee's father's help with Curtis?
(a) Teach Marlee how to speak Spanish.
(b) Cook extra dinners for the family.
(c) Pay back the $50 fine a little bit at a time.
(d) Take Marlee to church with her.

6. What is one of Marlee's fears that prevents her from feeling comfortable doing the thing Liz asks her to try for the first time in Chapter 36?
(a) Small spaces.
(b) Cheese.
(c) Heights.
(d) Snakes.

7. What is Marlee's first idea that she comes up with to help Liz stay quiet in tense situations?
(a) She suggests Liz count prime numbers.
(b) She suggests Liz sing to herself.
(c) She suggests Liz learn a new language and repeat the phrases in her head.
(d) She suggests Liz draw pictures in her mind.

8. What does Marlee finally tell her mother in Chapter 37?
(a) That she likes JT and did not like her mother interfering in their relationship.
(b) That she was very upset Judy was living with their grandmother.
(c) That she does not like JT and that JT had been forcing her to do his homework for months.
(d) That she is actually still seeing Liz.

9. What effect does Marlee's mother's speech have on her?
(a) She realizes that her mother will always be in favor of segregation.
(b) She realizes how disappointed her mother is in her.
(c) She realizes her mother is very angry with her.
(d) She realizes her mother really loves her and is proud of her.

10. What does Marlee's father buy her granny for Christmas?
(a) A new oven.
(b) A new set of lawn furniture.
(c) A croquet set.
(d) A television.

11. Who ends up driving Marlee and JT to Sally's party?
(a) JT's mother.
(b) Marlee's father.
(c) Red.
(d) Marlee's mother.

12. What does Marlee discover Act 10 is all about?
(a) Act 10 requires state employees to sign a contract forbidding them from supporting integration.
(b) Act 10 requires state employees to list their membership in groups.
(c) Act 10 requires state employees to take an oath of silence on political issues.
(d) Act 10 requires state employees to sign a loyalty pledge to Governor Faubus.

13. What is Judy's boyfriend's name?
(a) Joe Antonio.
(b) Harvey Dent.
(c) Robert Laurence.
(d) Jimmy Curtis.

14. Who does Marlee's mother tell her she is named after?
(a) Marlee Davidson.
(b) Marlena Hayes.
(c) Marlene Dietrich.
(d) Marlee Curtis.

15. Who is Marlee hoping to see at the zoo in Chapter 47?
(a) JT.
(b) Liz.
(c) Little Jimmy.
(d) Judy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marlee give to her mother before her mother speaks at the meeting in Chapter 42?

2. What does Judy tell Marlee on their bus ride home in Chapter 38?

3. Why is Marlee's mother unable to go to the zoo with her in Chapter 47?

4. What is the important issue the women discuss at Marlee's first WEC meeting?

5. How does Betty Jean figure out that Marlee is secretly seeing Liz?

(see the answer keys)

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