The Light Between Oceans Test | Final Test - Easy

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Light Between Oceans Test | Final Test - Easy

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hannah throw at Sergeant Knuckey in Part Three: Chapter 35?
(a) A basket.
(b) A book.
(c) A baby doll.
(d) A vase.

2. What toys does Grace play with and give names to in Part Three: Chapter 31?
(a) Seashells.
(b) Sticks.
(c) Clothespins.
(d) Stuffed animals.

3. What is Sergeant Knuckey's first name?
(a) Bill.
(b) Vince.
(c) Septimus.
(d) Vernon.

4. What food does Grace take with her when she runs away in Part Three: Chapter 33?
(a) A bag of grapes.
(b) An orange.
(c) A roll.
(d) An apple.

5. Where does Grace describe meeting Mamma with Gwen in her pretend game in Part Three: Chapter 31?
(a) At the museum.
(b) At church.
(c) At the park.
(d) At the library.

6. Who announces Hannah's arrival at the jail in Part Three: Chapter 32?
(a) Constable Grigg.
(b) Sergeant Spragg.
(c) Dr. Samuel B. Griffiths.
(d) Constable Garstone.

7. Who is the preacher that suggests Hannah "look for Christ in the life around her" in Part Two: Chapter 23?
(a) Reverend Smith.
(b) Reverend Knuckey.
(c) Reverend Norkells.
(d) Reverend Bradshaw.

8. Who is the officer that attempts to handcuff Tom when he disembarks the boat in Part Three: Chapter 25?
(a) Sergeant Ross.
(b) Constable Garstone.
(c) Sergeant Spragg.
(d) Sergeant Knuckey.

9. Dr. Sumpton tells Hannah in Part Three: Chapter 31 that the only cure for her daughter is what?
(a) Telling her the truth.
(b) Time.
(c) Returning her to Isabel.
(d) Lying to her.

10. Who does Mrs. Darnley tell she believes that Hannah has gone insane in Part Three: Chapter 25?
(a) Mr. Knuckey.
(b) Ralph Addicott.
(c) Mr. Spragg.
(d) Mr. Kelly.

11. How many boats does Grace tell Hannah she saw at the river in Part Three: Chapter 35?
(a) Two.
(b) Six.
(c) Nine.
(d) Ten.

12. Who was left as the executive beneficiary after Tom's father's death?
(a) Howard.
(b) Clyde.
(c) Cecil.
(d) Gerald.

13. What newspaper is Tom reading in the beginning of Part Two: Chapter 22?
(a) The Albany Gazette.
(b) The Point Partageuse Journal.
(c) The Perth Journal.
(d) The West Australian.

14. How old is Lucy when Tom is arrested?
(a) Three.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) Six.

15. What is Isabel's response when Sergeant Knuckey asks her in Part Three: Chapter 26, "According to Tom, Frank Rosennfeldt was dead when the boat washed up. Is that true?"
(a) "I wasn't present to see."
(b) "It is not true."
(c) "I've got nothing to say."
(d) "It is true."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Hannah recall that was believed dead on the Somme but returned to his wife in Part Three: Chapter 28?

2. What name does Grace ultimately give to the kitten that Hannah gives her in Part Three: Chapter 29?

3. What was the name of Tom's father?

4. Where does Grace intend to go to find Mamma when she runs away in Part Three: Chapter 33?

5. What insulting name does Bluey's mother call him in Part Three: Chapter 28?

(see the answer keys)

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