The Life of Elizabeth I Test | Final Test - Medium

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life of Elizabeth I Test | Final Test - Medium

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Sir Walter Raleigh unpopular at court?
(a) He was arrogant and rude.
(b) He was in favor of Elizabeth's abdication.
(c) He enjoyed bagpipe music.
(d) He was Spanish.

2. Why weren't there many women at Elizabeth's court?
(a) Most women died in childbirth.
(b) She preferred to be the center of male attention.
(c) The female courtiers did not like her and refused to go.
(d) The men did not bring them because they wanted to marry Elizabeth.

3. What did all of Essex's coup supporters have in common?
(a) They were all Catholic.
(b) They were all short of money.
(c) They were all committed to the Tower.
(d) They were all Spanish.

4. Who entered English territory on a sail to the Netherlands?
(a) Belgium.
(b) Spain.
(c) France.
(d) Ireland.

5. To whom did Elizabeth claim she was married?
(a) She was married to James VI.
(b) She was married to her people.
(c) She was married to Anjou.
(d) She was married to Leicester.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was courtly love?

2. In her speech, Elizabeth stated that though she was a woman she had the ____ and ____ of a King.

3. Where did Elizabeth deliver her famous speech to the troops?

4. Besides the Queen, who was the most powerful person in the court?

5. Though generally healthy throughout her life, to what did Elizabeth sometimes succumb?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why may Leicester have married Lettice Knollys?

2. What major changes were taking place in Elizabeth's court?

3. What was courtly love?

4. Who was involved in the Catholic plot to take Elizabeth's throne?

5. Did Elizabeth accept a marriage proposal from Anjou? Explain.

6. What aspects of Elizabeth's character are evident in her speech to the troops at Tilbury?

7. What did Burghley's death symbolize?

8. What was the Treaty of Blois?

9. Why was Norfolk's sentence commuted to beheading instead of being hanged, drawn, and quartered?

10. Who is Gloriana?

(see the answer keys)

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