The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main subject of Letters #146, 147, and 148?
(a) Rewriting the endings of the books.
(b) Getting the books into their published form.
(c) Rewriting the beginnings of the books.
(d) Getting enough advance copies of the book available.

2. Which new names are among the recipients of the 1960s letters included in "Later Years"?
(a) Professor Forster, Mrs. Drijver, and Hugo Dyson.
(b) Mrs. Drijver and Hugo Dyson.
(c) Professor Forster and Hugo Dyson.
(d) Professor Forster and Mrs. Drijver.

3. What does Tolkien announce to Christopher Bretherton in Letter #257?
(a) He is retiring from writing.
(b) He is a scientific philologist.
(c) He is only writing poetry now.
(d) He is retiring from teaching.

4. As displayed in Letter #257, what is the connection between Tolkien's childhood and his later years?
(a) His education.
(b) His enjoyment of stories.
(c) His fascination with Elves.
(d) His writing.

5. Which book began as a story that Tolkien created to read to his children?
(a) Farmer Giles of Ham.
(b) The Lord of the Rings.
(c) The Silmarillion.
(d) The Hobbit.

6. In a letter to W.H. Auden, where does Tolkien reveal his work as a professor originates from?
(a) His value of the English language.
(b) The recommendation of a friend.
(c) His actual interests.
(d) An accidental job interview.

7. When does Tolkien begin using a typewriter for his letters?
(a) July 1963.
(b) April 1966.
(c) July 1964.
(d) April 1965.

8. Who are most of the recipients of "The Final Letters"?
(a) Tolkien's publishers.
(b) Tolkien's relatives.
(c) Tolkien's students.
(d) Tolkien's friends.

9. Besides his complaint in "Later Years", how many other times in the book so far has Tolkien complained about the spelling changes made by the editorial staff of a publishing company?
(a) Twice.
(b) Three times.
(c) None.
(d) Once.

10. Why does a woman think that a used book she purchased had been previously owned by Tolkien?
(a) A letter of his folded in between two pages of the book.
(b) His signature on the last page of the book.
(c) Handwritten scripts in the book.
(d) The owner of the used book store informs her that Tolkien had owned it.

11. In what year is Letter #253 written?
(a) 1963.
(b) 1962.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1964.

12. According to the information in Letter #182, what position does Tolkien now have?
(a) Department Coordinator.
(b) Senior Professor.
(c) Department Chair.
(d) Associate Professor.

13. Why does Tolkien think his new position at the university will be better received in Letter #182?
(a) Because of his fame as an author.
(b) Because of the reputation of the person that preceded him.
(c) Because of the anticipation of the new book he is writing.
(d) Because of the amount of time he has worked at the university.

14. What does Tolkien think drives humans towards certain behaviors?
(a) They are driven by their education and culture.
(b) They are driven by the people around them.
(c) They are driven by circumstances as well as other things.
(d) They are driven exclusively by circumstances.

15. Who is Tolkien replying to in Letter #246?
(a) Rayner Unwin.
(b) Edith.
(c) Christopher.
(d) Mrs. Eileen Elgar.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tolkien respond to the publisher's actions with the cover designs in "Now the Books Themselves"?

2. What book has Tolkien recently completed when he writes a letter to W.H. Auden that is included in "To Anne Barrett of Houghton Mifflin Co."?

3. In what year does Tolkien write about a piece of fan mail that boosts his spirits in "The Final Letters"?

4. Overall, what is the length of the longest letters included in the book?

5. What is the first topic discussed in Tolkien's letter to Unwin about C.S. Lewis in "Now the Books Themselves"?

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