The Leopard Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the Prince feel about Calogero's status?

2. What happened to the soldier that the Prince is remembering?

3. How do the Prince and Pirrone diffuse their anger in Chapter 1, Part 2?

4. What kind of paintings line the walls of the Prince's office?

5. How does Calogero appear when he arrives for the dinner?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Tancredi doing at the end of Chapter 2?

2. What does the Prince see in the garden and what does he turn to as a source of comfort?

3. What reception is the Prince expecting in Donnafugata and what kind of a welcome does he actually receive?

4. How is the Prince compromising parts of his life, and what analogy is made for his situation in Chapter 3, Part 1?

5. What letter does the Prince receive at the end of Chapter 1, Part 2, and what is his response to it?

6. What is the symbolic dessert made for the Prince?

7. Who is Calogero and what request does he make for the dinner at the Salina's?

8. What is the Prince doing as Pirrone interrupts him in Chapter 2, Part 2, and how does Pirrone react?

9. What has happened as a result of the revolution?

10. How does the Prince think about the Princess while traveling to Palermo?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Angelica is one of the most interesting characters in the book because of the attention she draws from many of the other characters. Describe the way she is originally introduced, how her intentions become gradually clearer as her role in the Salina family increases, and the changes her character experiences at the end of the story. Also, compare her with Concetta and the different approach both characters have to a similar objective. Include examples from the novel in your analysis.

Essay Topic 2

Concetta is the final representative of the Salina family name at the end of the novel as she thematically lets go of the past and accepts the changes in her life.

1) Describe how Concetta's character has developed from the beginning of the story to the ending of it. Include examples of how some of the other main characters perceived her, along with which perceptions of her changed and why.

2) Compare the Prince and Concetta in how they both approach the changes in their lives.

3) Analyze the statement that Concetta is making at the end of The Leopard and the possible effects it could have on the future of the Salina family.

Essay Topic 3

The Leopard is set in Sicily during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Analyze the way the author combines actual historical events (Garibaldi's revolution, the Plebiscite of Unification, etc.) with fictional characters and situations to create an effective backdrop for the main themes of the novel.

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