The Leopard Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is a leopard represented in each of the palace's rooms?
(a) It is the Princess' favorite animal.
(b) It is the Prince's favorite animal.
(c) It is the first animal ever captured by the family's ancestors.
(d) It is the family's insignia.

2. What are the three Salina sisters being investigated for?
(a) The right to attend church again.
(b) The right to have private masses in their home.
(c) The right to sell their family estate.
(d) The right to hold an auction at the family estate.

3. How long is the Prince's life?
(a) Ninety three years.
(b) Seventy three years.
(c) Eighty three years.
(d) Sixty three years.

4. How long did it take the Salina sisters to acquire each relic?
(a) One to two months.
(b) One to two years.
(c) One to two days.
(d) One to two weeks.

5. How is Pirrone greeted when he visits his hometown?
(a) Warmly.
(b) Some people are not happy to see him, but most are.
(c) Some people are happy to see him, but most are not.
(d) Coldly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the Prince and Calogero act during their conversation in Chapter 3, Part 2?

2. What year is it when Chapter 8 begins?

3. Where is the Prince staying in Chapter 7?

4. How is the life that has been leaving the Prince described?

5. How does the Prince perceive his life as he dances with Angelica?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the overall opinion that the Prince has of his life during his final moments?

2. What two symbols does the Prince encounter on his way home from the ball?

3. What news does Tancredi have as he returns in Chapter 4?

4. What is the surprising way that Pirrone deals with his family's situation?

5. What is symbolic about the way the Prince dies?

6. How does the tone of the book change in Chapter 8, Part 1?

7. What tactic does Chevalley use in an attempt to convince the Prince to accept his offer, and what is the Prince's response?

8. What events have taken place between Chapter 6 and Chapter 7?

9. According to the Prince's speech in Chapter 4, how do the Sicilian people prefer to live?

10. What happens while the Prince is dancing with Angelica at the ball?

(see the answer keys)

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