The Lemonade War Test | Final Test - Medium

Jacqueline Davies
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lemonade War Test | Final Test - Medium

Jacqueline Davies
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a synonym for "reconciliation"?
(a) Resolution.
(b) Disagreement.
(c) Competition.
(d) Understanding.

2. How does the afternoon with his friends on Sunday at Jack's house get better for Evan?
(a) Everyone wants to hear about Evan's lemonade stand.
(b) Evan wins the game.
(c) A boy Evan does not like leaves.
(d) Evan finds money on the floor and takes it.

3. What do Megan and Jessie decide to do on Sunday?
(a) They will go to the beach.
(b) They will go to the mall and go shopping.
(c) They will sell lemonade.
(d) They will get ready for school.

4. What do Jessie and Megan decide to do with their earnings from franchising?
(a) Donate it to charity.
(b) Invest it into more lemonade stands.
(c) Go to 7-Eleven and buy slurpees.
(d) Go to the Big Dipper and get milk shakes.

5. What does Evan have when he meets with Jessie to see who won the competition?
(a) He has nothing.
(b) He has $103.11
(c) He has $100.
(d) He has Jessie and Megan's $208.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jessie stress about right before the lemonade war is over?

2. What does Jessie find in her lock box Sunday evening?

3. What does Evan ask the clerk in the Big Dipper store?

4. How many cans does Evan bring home for the final day of the lemonade war?

5. Who is Grumpminster Funk?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why can Evan not play well in the basketball game on the last day of the war?

2. Why does Megan write an index card to Jessie?

3. Why does Jessie think the war was stupid?

4. Why does Jessie get nervous when Evan says that he is not having a lemonade stand the last day of the competition?

5. Why does Officer Ken have to shut down Evan's lemonade stand?

6. Why does Jessie hesitate to go into Evan's room after the war is over?

7. In Chapter 9, what are some reasons that Evan does not want to lose the war other than money?

8. At the end of the novel, after the fireworks, each member of the Treski family provides a quote. Together, what do the quotes signify?

9. How does Evan feel toward Megan as described in Chapter 9? What do these reactions mean?

10. Toward the end of the novel, what advice does Mrs. Treski give to Jessie?

(see the answer keys)

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