The Lemonade War Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jacqueline Davies
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lemonade War Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jacqueline Davies
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7 - 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Evan use instead of lemonade when he and Scott run out?
(a) Pink lemonade instead of yellow.
(b) Ice cold water.
(c) Coca-Cola.
(d) Grape juice and ginger ale.

2. What is the goal of a "joint venture"?
(a) To purchase two items and sell them at half price.
(b) To buy two companies and make them one.
(c) To sell a large quantity of items to many customers.
(d) To sell a certain amount of goods or to work on a single project.

3. What was the main issue for Jessie during Friday's lemonade stand?
(a) Jessie and Megan's last pitcher of lemonade was stolen.
(b) Kids wanted lemonade, but they had no money, so they stole cups.
(c) Kids lined up for lemonade, but they wanted free snack and lemonade and would not pay.
(d) Kids lined up for lemonade, but then they wanted hair braiding, nail polishing, and face painting.

4. When they are not selling enough lemonade, Jessie wonders why, and she finds what in the garage?
(a) An empty cooler, stacked plastic chairs, and new signs.
(b) A full cooler with a stand ready to go.
(c) Five pitchers of lemonade and new signs.
(d) Her reserved supplies and signs.

5. What does Jessie ask Evan while they are doing dishes after their first day selling lemonade?
(a) "So what was it like selling lemonade in all that heat?"
(b) "So how much did you make?"
(c) "So do you think you made enough money to beat me?"
(d) "So who helped you sell lemonade today?"

Short Answer Questions

1. At the start of Chapter 8, why does Jessie feel so tired?

2. What does Jessie ask Megan to do?

3. What get taped on Jessie's Writers' Workshop Folder when she is in second grade?

4. How does Jessie describe receipts?

5. At the end of Chapter 2, how is Jessie and Evan's relationship?

(see the answer key)

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