The Last of the Just Test | Final Test - Easy

André Schwarz-Bart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Just Test | Final Test - Easy

André Schwarz-Bart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the SS officers calm and reassure the prisoners upon their arrival?
(a) Had a band play music for them.
(b) Gave them work assignments.
(c) Showed them their sleeping quarters.
(d) Gave them soup to eat.

2. What does Ernie feel after rescuing Golda, the red-haired girl?
(a) Pity that turned to happiness.
(b) Sorry that turned to happiness.
(c) Pity that turned to sorrow.
(d) Sorrow that turned to Pity.

3. What animal does Ernie ultimately dream he becomes?
(a) A snail.
(b) A rat.
(c) A cockroach.
(d) An amoeba.

4. What does Mario eat while he is living as a dog?
(a) Bones.
(b) Bread and water.
(c) He refuses to eat.
(d) Raw meat.

5. What word do the members of The Association of Old Zenyock have trouble pronouncing?
(a) Bonjour.
(b) Monsieur.
(c) Mademoiselle.
(d) Voila.

6. How does Mordecai view Jewish suffering?
(a) As mankind's sacrificial offering to God.
(b) As the triumph of the wicked.
(c) As senseless torment.
(d) As retribution for sin.

7. How is Golda, the red-haired girl Ernie rescues from the Nazi bullies, deformed?
(a) One arm is longer.
(b) One hand is paralyzed.
(c) One leg is shorter.
(d) One foot is larger.

8. What are Ernie's first words as he comes to life in the hospital?
(a) "Things are not what they seem."
(b) "Be careful. They're deceiving you."
(c) "Everything will be all right."
(d) "The world is going to rack and ruin."

9. What does Ernie tell Golda Christians have done with the cross of Christ?
(a) Made it something to hope for.
(b) Made it a symbol of hatred.
(c) Made it a symbol of peace.
(d) Turned it into a sword.

10. What happens to hundreds of German Jewish boys in 1934?
(a) They flee the country.
(b) They convert to Christianity.
(c) They committ suicide.
(d) They form gangs.

11. What happens to Ernie's body when he gets out of the boxcar?
(a) He weeps blood.
(b) His ears bleed.
(c) He sweats blood.
(d) His wounds bleed.

12. What does the SS officer suspect Ernie of doing?
(a) Spying for the Americans.
(b) Trying to get a message out from the camp.
(c) Trying to carry a message into the camp.
(d) Spying for the Russians.

13. What is Vernichtungswissenschaft?
(a) The science of biology.
(b) The science of torture.
(c) The science of cleansing.
(d) The science of massacre.

14. What does Ernie pray will be taken from his heart on his dream wedding day?
(a) All hatred.
(b) All Christian influence.
(c) All desire for revenge.
(d) All sorrow.

15. What actually awaited the Jews at Pichipoi?
(a) They would be killed.
(b) They would be allowed a fresh start.
(c) They would be granted homesteads.
(d) They would be shipped to Israel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the "Final Solution"?

2. In his wedding dream, what shows up at the windows?

3. Why does Ernie think that he has the soul of a cat?

4. What had Mordecai told The Association that Ernie would prove himself to be?

5. What does Herschel Grynszpan do that affects all Jews in Germany?

(see the answer keys)

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