The Last Full Measure Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Full Measure Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who leads his Fifth Corps toward Petersburg along with Meade's forces?
(a) McNamara.
(b) Chamberlain.
(c) Longstreet.
(d) Gordon.

2. Who is killed by Federal soldiers, shot clean through the heart like a deer?
(a) Sheridan.
(b) Hill.
(c) Lee.
(d) Grant.

3. What is the surrender ceremony full of?
(a) Violence.
(b) Emotion.
(c) Shooting.
(d) Celebration.

4. What does Grant enjoy eating with his soldiers?
(a) Sirloin steak.
(b) Roast beef.
(c) Roasted almonds.
(d) Salmon.

5. Who is nominated for a second term as President?
(a) Lincoln.
(b) Davis.
(c) Grant.
(d) Sherman.

6. What does Lee try to protect but is pushed back by an all-out assault, forced to retreat across the Appomattox River?
(a) Petersburg.
(b) Richmond.
(c) Knox.
(d) Arlington.

7. What issue is emotional and political to Confederates regardless of why the Civil War is being waged?
(a) Power struggles.
(b) Slavery.
(c) The control of lands.
(d) Emancipation of women.

8. What is Mark Twain's profession that introduces him to former Civil War generals?
(a) Singer.
(b) Publisher.
(c) Marketing agent.
(d) Artist.

9. Which officials, consisting of the vice president, assistant secretary of war, and president of the senate, visit Lincoln?
(a) Anarchist.
(b) Economist.
(c) Union.
(d) Confederate.

10. Who is the best officer that Lee has after Jackson dies?
(a) Gordon.
(b) Sorrel.
(c) Stuart.
(d) Ewell.

11. Where does Lee work, rebuilding the college?
(a) Spelman.
(b) GWU.
(c) Emory.
(d) Washington.

12. Who comes up with a bold plan that must be carried out flawlessly for Lee?
(a) Meade.
(b) Sorrel.
(c) Pickett.
(d) Gordon.

13. Grant rides out to Sheridan's position south of ___________, anticipating that Lee will try to go to Danville.
(a) Petersburg.
(b) Amelia.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Richmond.

14. Who receives word that Sherman has captured Atlanta?
(a) Stuart.
(b) Meade.
(c) Lee.
(d) Grant.

15. Who has taken and holds control of the Shenandoah Valley, allowing Lee's army to move westward into the Valley?
(a) Early.
(b) Meade.
(c) Stuart.
(d) Sheridan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Lee visit that lost his will to fight at Gettysburg when he led a disastrous charge?

2. What landing do the Federal forces' heavy artillery and supply wagons take a route to after Cold Harbor?

3. What is the Confederate capital under seige?

4. Who marches to the sea, gaining momentum over Confederates?

5. What is the luxury item that Grant has for dessert with his troops?

(see the answer keys)

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