The Last Full Measure Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Full Measure Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What troops hide behind a railroad cut near the Bristol Station?
(a) Grant corps.
(b) Chamberlain's.
(c) Entire II corps.
(d) Hill's.

2. What do the Federal forces NOT have necessarily that is superior to the Confederate forces?
(a) Good looks.
(b) Weapons.
(c) Numbers of men.
(d) Horses.

3. Who is to move into the Shenandoah Valley to divert part of Lee's army toward the west?
(a) Grant.
(b) Meade.
(c) Butler.
(d) Sigel.

4. Who suggests that a war council would have helped prevent the first failed attempt on attacking Lee's center?
(a) Warren.
(b) Sedgwick.
(c) Sorrel.
(d) Meade.

5. What era does Grant think Meade's unorthodox practice represent?
(a) The British colonists.
(b) The Greek invasion.
(c) The Norman conquest.
(d) The Roman empire.

6. Who suffers from debilitating arthritis that has rendered one of her arms shriveled and useless?
(a) Lee.
(b) Mary.
(c) Custis.
(d) Sherman.

7. Whose army was defeated at Gettysburg?
(a) Chamberlain.
(b) Lee.
(c) Grant.
(d) Stuart.

8. What kind of repeating carbines do Sheridan's man have?
(a) 10-shot.
(b) 7-shot.
(c) 4-shot.
(d) 9-shot.

9. From what period do terribly bloody battles follow one another according to Shaara?
(a) 1871-1879.
(b) 1861-1863.
(c) 1865-1866.
(d) 1867-1868.

10. What color is Lee's horse?
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) Brown.
(d) Red.

11. What practice of the commander do foreign dignitaries mock when they visit his quarters?
(a) Whittling wood.
(b) Doing yoga.
(c) Painting.
(d) Smoking tobacco.

12. When Meade had pressed on his army at Mine Run, who was criticized for his defensive maneuvers?
(a) Longstreet.
(b) Sherman.
(c) Lee.
(d) Brigand.

13. Who has given Sheridan permission to attack and eliminate the Confederate cavalry?
(a) Lee.
(b) Stuart.
(c) Grant.
(d) Sorrel.

14. Who cross the Rapidan River at the westerly Germanna Ford?
(a) Sherman and Warren.
(b) Burnside and Fellows.
(c) Longstreet and Stuart.
(d) Dewey and Meade.

15. When the rain falls, what swells up, ready to flood, making it difficult to cross?
(a) The river.
(b) The lake.
(c) The pontoon.
(d) The bridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who brings his Federal soldiers against Hill on the Confederate left flank?

2. At whom is Lee angry for trying to spread the blame for the defeat at Gettysburg?

3. What is new in the Civil War in comparison to previous wars that had been fought over open country with the occasional use of existing walls for cover?

4. Who may have fought with Grant in Mexico but cannot remember any distinguishing characteristics about Grant?

5. Whose quarters do foreign dignitaries visit?

(see the answer keys)

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