The Known World Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward P. Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Known World Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward P. Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Moses include in his reports to Caldonia every night?
(a) Stories of how Henry spoke fondly of her all through their marriage.
(b) Stories of how he would treat her if she were his wife.
(c) Stories of how the slaves are building a rebellion against her.
(d) Stories of how Henry built the house for her.

2. How long does Jebediah camp outside Fern's house before the slave patrol finally arrests him?
(a) One month.
(b) One day.
(c) One week.
(d) One year.

3. Who does Robbins charge with finding Caldonia's lost slaves after admitting he has lost faith in John Skiffington as sheriff?
(a) Calvin.
(b) Moses.
(c) Counsel.
(d) Louis.

4. Why does Skiffington believe the runaways are dead and buried somewhere in the woods?
(a) Alice's body was found by the side of the road.
(b) No one has seen them since they disappeared and Moses has motive.
(c) Elias came forward as a witness to the crime.
(d) Moses admitted the crime.

5. Why were Saskia and her husband exiled from England?
(a) They are murderers.
(b) They are black plague carriers.
(c) They had smallpox.
(d) They were theives.

6. Who is Moses afraid might see him as he makes his nightly forays into the woods?
(a) Priscilla.
(b) Delphie.
(c) Loretta.
(d) Alice.

7. What language does the leader of this group Counsel runs into in Texas speak?
(a) French.
(b) English
(c) Italian.
(d) Spanish.

8. Who do Darcy and Stennis finally manage to sell Augustus to for fifty-three dollars?
(a) William Robbins.
(b) Wilson Calhenny.
(c) Hillard Uster.
(d) Morris Calhenny.

9. What possession does Tessie show everyone, a possession she will cherish until she dies more than eighty years later?
(a) A dress made for her dead baby sister.
(b) The doll Elias carved for her.
(c) A horse and buggy carving Moses gave her.
(d) A horse Elias carved for her.

10. Who does Caldonia marry three years after her husband's death?
(a) Counsel Skiffington.
(b) Moses.
(c) William Robbins.
(d) Louis.

11. Who accuses Moses of working the slaves too hard and too late into the day?
(a) Celeste.
(b) Elias.
(c) Louis.
(d) Delphie.

12. What ailment does John Skiffington suffer in the final chapters of the book?
(a) Small pox.
(b) The flu.
(c) A headache.
(d) A toothache.

13. How much does Caldonia estimate Alice, Priscilla, and Jamie are worth based on the books Henry kept in regard to the slaves?
(a) Fifteen dollars.
(b) Fifteen thousand dollars.
(c) Fifty dollars.
(d) Fifteen hundred dollars.

14. Who tells Skiffington that Travis sold Augustus Townsend to slave traders?
(a) Barnum Kinsey.
(b) Oden.
(c) Counsel Skiffington.
(d) William Robbins.

15. Why does Jebediah accost Fern on the road to her home?
(a) He claims Fern is his long lost sister.
(b) He claims Ramsey owes him five hundred dollars.
(c) He claims Ramsey stole his saddle.
(d) He claims Fern stole his horse.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is named overseer in the wake of Moses' disappearance?

2. Why does Skiffington count Oden and his testimony for Travis about Augustus as that of only half a man?

3. Who disappears from Caldonia's plantation in the days after Alice, Priscilla, and Jamie leave?

4. Who are the majority of the employees at the hotel/restaurant/saloon that Alice, Priscilla, and James own in Washington, D.C.?

5. What fate lies ahead of Jebediah when it is discovered he has forged his freedom papers?

(see the answer keys)

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