The Kingdom of Matthias Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul E. Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kingdom of Matthias Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul E. Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Matthews realize when he met Elijah for the first time according to "The Kingdom, Parts 1 through 3"?
(a) Elijah was able to be influenced.
(b) Elijah was greedy.
(c) Elijah was stubborn.
(d) Elijah wanted to preach.

2. Who did Benjamin marry after returning from meeting Margaret Matthews?
(a) Isabella Lismond.
(b) Catherine Galloway.
(c) Isabella Lamons.
(d) Isabella Laisdell.

3. Who wrote an account of the Kingdom with the help of Isabella Van Wagenen?
(a) Gilbert Vale.
(b) Gilbert Vane.
(c) Vane Gils.
(d) Vale Simmons.

4. When did Elijah cut his allowance to Matthews?
(a) April 1839.
(b) April 1833.
(c) April 1835.
(d) April 1831.

5. What was the name of the estate Matthews moved into after his release from the mental hospital?
(a) Mount of the Heartt.
(b) Mount Princeton.
(c) Heartt Place.
(d) Retrenchment Society.

6. What was Benjamin forced to do with his wife Ann?
(a) Give their relationship another try.
(b) Give her as a sacrifice.
(c) Give her to the community.
(d) Give her to Matthews.

7. What did Matthews represent for many people reading the press?
(a) A dangerous man.
(b) A dangerous husband.
(c) A dangerous polygamist.
(d) A dangerous religious fanatic.

8. What did Matthews drink from during dinner?
(a) His copper cup.
(b) A silver chalice.
(c) A wooden cup.
(d) A glass cup.

9. Why was the charge of fraud dropped?
(a) The witnesses recanted.
(b) They couldn't prove he was not an agent of the Lord.
(c) They found out he was a prophet.
(d) They couldn't stand hearing his sermons.

10. What did the coroner that examined Elijah conclude?
(a) He died of a stroke.
(b) He died of heart failure.
(c) He died of an embolism.
(d) He died of natural causes.

11. What charges were added by the district attorney against Matthews before the murder trial?
(a) Blackmail charges for paying off Charles Laisdell.
(b) Bribery charges to recoup money for Elijah's heirs.
(c) Assault charges for beating Isabella Laisdell.
(d) Assault charges for coercing Benjamin Folger.

12. Who was Isabella Van Wagenen born to?
(a) Doctors.
(b) Plantation owners.
(c) Slaves.
(d) Shop keepers.

13. Who came to Mount Zion and conned Matthews into shaving his beard?
(a) Elephant Taylor.
(b) Tiger Taylor.
(c) Sampson Els.
(d) Taylor Michaels

14. What did Isabella Van Wagenen think of Matthews teachings in retrospect?
(a) The most far fetched she heard.
(b) The most outrageous she heard.
(c) The most rational she heard.
(d) The most fanatical she heard.

15. What cult leaders does Paul Johnson tie Matthews to?
(a) Jim Jones and David Koresh.
(b) Charles Filmore.
(c) Ron Hubbard.
(d) Guy Ballard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Mount Zion signed over to after Folger's ruin?

2. What was the name of the law cabinet hired to defend Matthews?

3. Which of Elijah's beliefs did Matthews totally discard?

4. How long of a sentence did Matthews receive for the assault charges?

5. What did Isabella Van Wagenen do when Matthews left New York?

(see the answer keys)

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