The Kingdom of Matthias Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul E. Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kingdom of Matthias Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul E. Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name did Matthews use to introduce himself to Joseph Smith?
(a) Joshua.
(b) Robert.
(c) Mark.
(d) Elijah.

2. Who sat in the front of a Calvinist church in the early 1800's?
(a) Children.
(b) The poor.
(c) The merchants.
(d) Those who donated the most.

3. What part of New York did Elijah and Sarah help prostitutes at?
(a) Three Points.
(b) Six Points.
(c) Two Points.
(d) Five Points.

4. Who did Elijah open a mercantile store with?
(a) Robert Matthews.
(b) Benjamin Globle.
(c) Martha Kirk.
(d) John Steinbrenner.

5. When did Matthews beat a woman according to historical evidences?
(a) 1812.
(b) 1813.
(c) 1814.
(d) 1811.

6. Why was Matthews released after being arrested for domestic abuse?
(a) Lack of testimony.
(b) Good behavior.
(c) Lack of evidence.
(d) It was not illegal.

7. What happened when the congregation Kirk was working at found out he was an adherent to Finneyism?
(a) He was given a promotion.
(b) He was relocated.
(c) He was fired.
(d) He was given his own church.

8. What did Joseph Smith tell Matthews when they first met?
(a) Smith told Matthews of his visions.
(b) That he knew who he was.
(c) That he wanted to found a new state.
(d) That progressivism was evil.

9. Why did Elijah leave his childhood town?
(a) Train as a physician.
(b) Train as a clerk.
(c) Train as a banker.
(d) Train as a journalist.

10. When did Sarah die?
(a) June 2, 1830.
(b) June 29, 1830.
(c) June 29, 1832.
(d) May 29, 1830.

11. Who did Matthews come to resent after his release from prison?
(a) Catholics.
(b) Margaret and the Finneyites.
(c) Presbyterians.
(d) Kirk and the Finneyites.

12. What was Elijah known for being according to "Elijah Pierson, Introduction and Parts 1 through 4"?
(a) A businessman.
(b) A zealot.
(c) A religious reformer.
(d) A good father.

13. What church did Matthews find inspiring after losing his sons?
(a) The African Methodist Church.
(b) The Baptist Church.
(c) The Pentecostal Church.
(d) The Mormon Church.

14. What did Smith say of Matthews after their first meeting?
(a) "He couldn't control himself."
(b) "His mind was evidently filled with darkness."
(c) "He would be a good leader."
(d) "His way was the only way."

15. What was Matthews' convinced of after God told him to stop shaving?
(a) He must become a street preacher.
(b) He must become like sinners.
(c) He must save prostitutes.
(d) He must save his family from God's wrath.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Matthews do after abandoning his family?

2. Who became the center of moral instruction and domestic authority in Elijah's movement?

3. How many children did Matthews and Margaret eventually have?

4. What congregation did Kirk work at when he first arrived in Albany?

5. What did Elijah's partners in the prostitute mission do after Sarah's death?

(see the answer keys)

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