The King Must Die Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The King Must Die Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the queen of Crete treat her son when he was young?
(a) He was held dear by his mother.
(b) He was liked but not favored.
(c) He was ignored but not treated badly.
(d) He was treated as an outcast and told he was nasty.

2. What is Theseus and the other cranes considered to be?
(a) Hunters.
(b) Seamen.
(c) Barbarians.
(d) Soldiers.

3. How do the people of Crete treat Theseus and his kinsmen when they arrive?
(a) They are applauded and followed around the city.
(b) They are prodded and pinched like cattle.
(c) They are nervous and shy.
(d) They are mocked and ridiculed.

4. What is the life expectancy of a bull dancer?
(a) Twelve months.
(b) One month.
(c) Three months.
(d) Six months.

5. What gift does Theseus' father give him?
(a) A chariot and horses.
(b) A castle.
(c) A ship.
(d) A sword and shield.

6. What does Theseus name their bull?
(a) Corinth.
(b) Asterion.
(c) Herakles.
(d) Ariadne.

7. Why is the bull never to be killed or hurt?
(a) He is the queen's favorite animal.
(b) It would bring bad luck to the kingdom.
(c) The god dwells in him.
(d) He is the king's favorite animal.

8. Who gave the bull medicine to make him mad?
(a) Simo.
(b) Minos.
(c) Ariadne.
(d) Asterion.

9. What happens in the last month of bull dancer training?
(a) They go to the pasture to get a bull, but they don't get to pick.
(b) They must fight to see who will dance first with the bull.
(c) They get to pick their bull.
(d) They practice dancing with the bulls.

10. What name does Theseus and his kinsmen decide to call themselves?
(a) Hawks.
(b) Bulls.
(c) Cranes.
(d) Falcons.

11. What does Theseus and his kinsmen practice on the ship?
(a) Fighting.
(b) A dance.
(c) Singing.
(d) Speed drills.

12. What is the name of the bull dancer who jumps up and over the bull?
(a) A chaser.
(b) A catcher.
(c) A dancer.
(d) A leaper.

13. When the man threw the item into the sea on the day that Theseus arrived, what was that a symbol of?
(a) A symbol to show that the king is more powerful than the sea.
(b) A symbol to show that the king has wed the sea.
(c) A symbol to show that the king is obedient to the sea.
(d) A symbol to show that the king is at peace with the sea.

14. Who does Theseus watch at the bull fight and decides she is human?
(a) Moon Goddess.
(b) Earth Goddess.
(c) Sea Goddess.
(d) Spirit Goddess.

15. How many months will the bull dancers have to train?
(a) One month.
(b) Three months.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) Six months.

Short Answer Questions

1. What angered Poseidon?

2. What two things will end the bull dancing?

3. What do Theseus and the bull dancers smuggle and begin to hide?

4. For what have the Crete men come to Athens?

5. In what month are the bull dancers trained to leap and do cartwheels?

(see the answer keys)

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