The King Must Die Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The King Must Die Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As a bull dancer, what does Theseus decide he wants to be?
(a) A leaper.
(b) A chaser.
(c) A dancer.
(d) A catcher.

2. After Theseus and his kinsmen have practiced and before they are ready for their dance, who comes to check on them?
(a) Herakles.
(b) Corinth.
(c) Asterion.
(d) Ariadne.

3. What does Theseus and his kinsmen practice on the ship?
(a) Singing.
(b) A dance.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Speed drills.

4. What angered Poseidon?
(a) Theseus' father dishonored him.
(b) Theseus' father kept Theseus' name out of the drawing.
(c) Theseus' father put Theseus' name in the drawing.
(d) Theseus dishonored him.

5. Why does Theseus take a different path every night on the way to meet his lover?
(a) To strengthen his body for bull dancing.
(b) To make sure no one is following him.
(c) So he can map out several places that he might need later on.
(d) To ward off bad spirits.

6. What does Theseus learn about the king's son from the other bull dancers?
(a) That the man wants to save Theseus.
(b) That the man wants to kill Theseus.
(c) That the man is not the King's real son.
(d) That the man is the King's son.

7. Who calls Theseus to a secret meeting chamber?
(a) Asterion.
(b) Herakles.
(c) Corinth.
(d) Ariadne.

8. What does the man who slapped Theseus across the face call Poseidon?
(a) King of the sea.
(b) Sea-daddy.
(c) Fish-daddy.
(d) Father of the sea.

9. What does Theseus' father want to do for Theseus' birthday?
(a) Have a great feast.
(b) Create a monument in his honor.
(c) Have a ceremony in his honor.
(d) Go on a trip.

10. What do Theseus and the bull dancers smuggle and begin to hide?
(a) Gold.
(b) Weapons.
(c) Food.
(d) Armor.

11. What is one place that Theseus finds useful on his way to meet his lover?
(a) The ancient armory.
(b) The gold treasury.
(c) The library.
(d) The records room.

12. During the bull dance, where do Theseus and another of the dancers get caught?
(a) Cornered against the wall by the bull.
(b) Underneath the bull.
(c) In the bull's front legs.
(d) In the bull's horns.

13. What happens to Theseus after the bull dance?
(a) He runs away.
(b) He is banished from bull dancing.
(c) He is hurt but lives.
(d) He is killed.

14. Why does Theseus' father send an invitation to Theseus?
(a) To invite him to the celebration of his new son's birth.
(b) To invite Theseus' mother to a party.
(c) To invite him to a banquet in his honor.
(d) To invite Theseus' mother to come live in Athens.

15. Who does Theseus watch at the bull fight and decides she is human?
(a) Sea Goddess.
(b) Spirit Goddess.
(c) Earth Goddess.
(d) Moon Goddess.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the man that threw the item in the sea for Theseus to retrieve?

2. Who wants the king of Crete to die and is the one who is believed to have infected him?

3. Why is Theseus proclaimed the leader of the bull dancers in Crete?

4. What happens when Theseus and his kinsmen are allowed to watch the bull dance?

5. Who are the children of the king and queen of Crete?

(see the answer keys)

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