The Killing Dance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killing Dance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Richard worried that Anita is going to be intimate with Jean-Claude on their date?
(a) Because he overhearch Jean-Claude say he was.
(b) Because she overheard her say she was.
(c) Because of her letter.
(d) Because of her dress.

2. All of the following vampires are in Anita's office in Chapter 1, except for who?
(a) Sabin.
(b) Jean-Claude.
(c) Dominic.
(d) Robert.

3. How much money was Edward offered to kill Anita within 24 hours?
(a) $5,000,000.
(b) $5,000.
(c) $500,000.
(d) $50,000.

4. Who says, "She's perfect for anyone who's into pain and has a death wish"?
(a) Raina.
(b) Stephen.
(c) Gabriel.
(d) Dominic.

5. Who is Anita's bodyguard at the club?
(a) Christine.
(b) Raina.
(c) Liv.
(d) Cassandra.

6. Who goes into Richard's room for towels to help the doctor mend Richard's wounds?
(a) Lillian.
(b) Sylvie.
(c) Jason.
(d) Stephen.

7. In what way does Anita compare Sabin to a shark?
(a) He has big sharp teeth.
(b) He is made up of cartilage.
(c) He never stops moving.
(d) He lives in the ocean.

8. According to Richard, most shapeshifters ________ when they change back to human form.
(a) Pass-out.
(b) Get thirsty.
(c) Get hungry.
(d) Die.

9. How many legal vampire kills does Anita say she has?
(a) Over 60.
(b) Over 20.
(c) Over 250.
(d) Over 45.

10. Who is a private detective who works-out with Anita on Saturday mornings?
(a) Ronnie.
(b) Edward.
(c) Jean-Claude.
(d) Cassandra.

11. Which vampire has been a stripper at Guilty Pleasures, but is now the manager of the club?
(a) Edward.
(b) Marcus.
(c) Jean-Claude.
(d) Robert.

12. Richard agrees to kill ________.
(a) Jean-Claude.
(b) Edward.
(c) Jason.
(d) Marcus.

13. For what does Sabin turn to Anita for help with?
(a) Opening a night club.
(b) Finding a wereleopard.
(c) Killing a vampire.
(d) His skin disease.

14. Why does Edward tell Anita not to drive her car?
(a) In case of a car bomb.
(b) Her assassin knows what kind of car she drives.
(c) Her tires are flat.
(d) She's low on oil.

15. For what reason does Anita state to the detective for why she went to her apartment?
(a) To get a hammer.
(b) She heard a noise in her apartment.
(c) Custard was barking at her door.
(d) To get a screwdriver.

Short Answer Questions

1. All of the following kinds of beings are at Catherine's dinner party, except for which?

2. Who does Anita call after arriving at Richard's house?

3. Ted Forrester is an alias for __________.

4. How is the murder victim in Chapter 18 pinned down?

5. What is Ronnie's nickname for Jean-Claude?

(see the answer keys)

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