The Kill Order Test | Final Test - Easy

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kill Order Test | Final Test - Easy

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the female gunman in Chapter 47?
(a) She falls from a window.
(b) She shoots herself.
(c) She is shot by the male gunman.
(d) She drowns in the water.

2. How is a Flat Trans defined in Chapter 48?
(a) It's a molecular transporter.
(b) It's a death-ray.
(c) It's a solar flare.
(d) It's a type of aircraft.

3. Alec tells Mark in Chapter 32, "We've got two objectives, kid." What is the second objective?
(a) To see Alec again.
(b) To figure out what is going on.
(c) To get in touch with his mother.
(d) To avenge his father's death.

4. What do Mark and Alec have to drink from as they seek out their friends in Chapter 51?
(a) A water bottle.
(b) A flask.
(c) A canteen.
(d) A wine bottle.

5. Who does the man from the boat shoot and kill in Chapter 46?
(a) Darnell.
(b) Misty.
(c) Baxter.
(d) Lana.

6. How long does Alec say it's been since the sun flares in Chapter 31?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 3 years.

7. About how many bunks are in the bunker room that Alec and Mark discover in Chapter 32?
(a) 40.
(b) 20.
(c) 30.
(d) 10.

8. When does Alec describe busting crankheads when martial law was desclared in Chapter 51?
(a) The 2010s.
(b) The 2040s.
(c) The 2030s.
(d) The 2020s.

9. Where is the emergency supply room located in the building described in Chapter 47?
(a) The 12th floor.
(b) The 30th floor.
(c) The 9th floor.
(d) The 20th floor.

10. What does the man in the basement threaten to do if Alec or Mark take another step closer in Chapter 53?
(a) Kill a kitten.
(b) Shoot a gun.
(c) Hang himself.
(d) Light a match.

11. Who runs out of the second house that Mark and Alec inspect on their search for Trina and the others in Chapter 54?
(a) Two children.
(b) Deedee.
(c) A young woman.
(d) An old man.

12. What color are the light bults outside the other doors that do not lead to the generator room in Chapter 32?
(a) Red.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

13. Where has Alec landed the Berg when he and Mark eat the military meals in Chapter 45?
(a) North of Little Rock.
(b) North of Houston.
(c) East of Asheville.
(d) South of Dallas.

14. What part of Mark's body does the demented infected woman go for first in the beginning of Chapter 52?
(a) His hair.
(b) His mouth.
(c) His nose.
(d) His eyes.

15. What are the drawings of that cover the interior of the second house that Mark and Alec inspect on their search in Chapter 54?
(a) Ships.
(b) Hearts.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Monsters.

Short Answer Questions

1. How wide is the yach that is described in Chapter 46?

2. What does Misty remark about the water when she falls into it in the tunnel in the flashback in Chapter 35?

3. Whose footprints disappear along the trail that Alec and Mark are following in Chapter 29?

4. How many children are discovered in the basement of the second house that Mark and Alec inspect on their search for their friends in Chapter 54?

5. What color is Trina's hair?

(see the answer keys)

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