The Journals of Lewis and Clark Test | Final Test - Easy

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Journals of Lewis and Clark Test | Final Test - Easy

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Corps see on the beach in this chapter?
(a) A wedding
(b) A battle between two tribes
(c) The corpse of a shark
(d) The corpse of a whale

2. Why does Clark say the Teton Sioux Indians will not be tolerated around the camp?
(a) They did not trade with them
(b) They will steal
(c) They are violent
(d) They did not listen to their counsel

3. What does the Corps name the eastern fork?
(a) Washington's River
(b) Whitman's River
(c) Lewis' river
(d) Gallatin's River

4. What does the Corps call their fortification in this chapter?
(a) Fort Caltsop
(b) Fort Sioux
(c) Fort Jefferson
(d) Fort Lewis

5. What kind of meat does Clark say he has grown fond of?
(a) Dog
(b) Cat
(c) Cougar
(d) Buffalo

6. What was Albert Gallatin's job with the government?
(a) Secretary of Treasury
(b) President
(c) Vice President
(d) Secretary of State

7. What is Lewis unable to do because he is feeling so sick?
(a) Eat
(b) Ride a horse
(c) Tie his laces
(d) Turn his head

8. What does the Indian want to steal from Private McNeal in this chapter?
(a) A blanket
(b) A knife
(c) A gun
(d) A book

9. Which European language can the Indians communicate in?
(a) English
(b) Spanish
(c) French
(d) German

10. What are the rivers divided by?
(a) Mountains
(b) Hills
(c) Villages
(d) Plains

11. Who is the chief of the Wallawalla tribe?
(a) Womble
(b) Yellept
(c) Delaware
(d) Gouda

12. What is the name of the hill Sacagawea recognizes in this chapter?
(a) Beaver's Head
(b) Conehead
(c) Badger's Head
(d) Jupiter

13. What does the Corps name the middle fork?
(a) Twain's River
(b) Bush's River
(c) Madison's River
(d) Lincoln's River

14. Where is Lewis accidentally shot?
(a) The back
(b) The thigh
(c) The foot
(d) The hip

15. What does Clark give Yellept in exchange for a horse?
(a) His sword
(b) His hat
(c) His knife
(d) His gun

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the men buy from the Indians in this chapter?

2. What does the Corps have to eat in this chapter?

3. What kind of musical instrument does the Corps play at the camp?

4. What does the Corps use dogs for?

5. What does Clark name the sandstone structure?

(see the answer keys)

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