The Jewish War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jewish War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Jerusalem fall to the Romans?
(a) In the second year of Vespasian's reign.
(b) In the third year of Vespasian's reign.
(c) In the first year of Vespasian's reign.
(d) In the fourth year of Vespasian's reign.

2. What did the Roman soldiers do to the people fleeing Jerusalem?
(a) Let them leave freely.
(b) Crucified them.
(c) Took them as slaves.
(d) Redirected them to a refugee camp.

3. Why did the soldiers not put out the fire as ordered?
(a) They didn't recognize the authority of Titus.
(b) The uproar was too loud, and they did not hear the order.
(c) They didn't understand Latin.
(d) They wanted to avenge their dead comrades.

4. What did the Roman new legate do before starting the siege of Macherus?
(a) He filled a ravine.
(b) He cut down a forest.
(c) He set a temple on fire.
(d) He damned a spring.

5. When did word that Antiochus and his son Epiphanes were revolting against Rome reach Vespasian?
(a) During his7th year of Reign.
(b) During his 5th year of Reign.
(c) During his 4th year of Reign.
(d) During his 6th year of Reign.

6. Where did the Romans promise not to fight?
(a) The Temple.
(b) Antonia.
(c) The Holy Gate.
(d) The lower part of Jerusalem.

7. What did Caesar forbid his troops from doing when entering Jerusalem?
(a) Destroying fortifications.
(b) Killing prisoners or burning houses.
(c) Sleeping inside the city.
(d) Looting.

8. What made Caesar disclaim responsibility for the Jews, in Section 8?
(a) The Jews' killing a Roman envoy.
(b) The Jews' unwillingness to accept Roman mercy.
(c) The Jews' attempt to kill Caesar.
(d) The Jews' refusal to pay for the Roman army's upkeep.

9. Who were Antiochus and his son Epiphanes allying themselves with to revolt against Rome?
(a) The King of Arabia.
(b) The King of Mesopotamia.
(c) The King of Parthia.
(d) The King of Jerusalem.

10. Who hid underground, in Section 9?
(a) Simon.
(b) Paul.
(c) Eleazar.
(d) John.

11. How did Vespasian reward Agrippa's generosity?
(a) By quelling a rebellion in Tiberias.
(b) With Roman citizenship.
(c) With Roman military equipment.
(d) With 200,000 gold coins.

12. Who led a sortie against Vespasian from the town of Tarichaeae?
(a) Tobias.
(b) Jeshua.
(c) Alexander.
(d) Simon.

13. What fortress did the new Roman legate secure when first arriving?
(a) Pillo.
(b) Herodium.
(c) Masada.
(d) Caesaria.

14. Who tried to appeal to Jerusalem's defenders to have them surrender?
(a) Josephus.
(b) Claudius.
(c) Matius.
(d) Matthias.

15. What did Simon and John realize would happen if the Romans entered the Sanctuary?
(a) The food supply would be compromized.
(b) The Jews would bury the Romans.
(c) The Romans would win.
(d) The Jew escape route would be lost.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Titus claim on top of Antonia?

2. How many of Caesar's soldiers entered Jerusalem?

3. What did the people of Jerusalem think of Josephus, after learning he was in Rome?

4. What did John try to do during the siege of Jerusalem?

5. Who was commanding the Roman 10th Legion?

(see the answer keys)

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