The Jewish War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jewish War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was knifed to death by the Roman crowd?
(a) Antonius.
(b) Vitellius.
(c) Gelinius.
(d) Claudius.

2. How many troops did the Idumaeans march into Jerusalem?
(a) 20,000.
(b) 3,000.
(c) 30,000.
(d) 50,000.

3. Who was sent to be the new legate after Jerusalem's fall?
(a) Flavius Josephus
(b) Flavius Entonius.
(c) Bernatus Smalus.
(d) Lucilius Bassus.

4. Who was commanding the Roman 10th Legion?
(a) Vespasian.
(b) Trajan.
(c) Silvius.
(d) Claudius.

5. What does Flavius say the rival factions in Jerusalem destroyed?
(a) The city water supply.
(b) The city's defenses.
(c) The city's provisions.
(d) All hope of surrendering.

6. What gripped Jerusalem according to Flavius Josephus?
(a) Fear.
(b) Cholera.
(c) The plague.
(d) Famine.

7. What did Vespasian build in honor of the victory over Jerusalem?
(a) A temple of peace.
(b) An arc of Thryomph.
(c) A Temple dedicated to Jupiter.
(d) A church.

8. Who was Eleazar the son of?
(a) John.
(b) Eleazar.
(c) Jairus.
(d) Simon.

9. Why did Titus set the gate on fire?
(a) His men were dying and wounded.
(b) He wanted to see if it would burn.
(c) Vespasian was coming to visit and he wanted to end the siege.
(d) His wanted to finish the siege to go back home.

10. What made Jerusalem's wall collapse?
(a) Ramming it.
(b) Horns.
(c) Roman's siege machines.
(d) John's tunnel.

11. What happened to a child ,according to Flavius Josephus?
(a) He was poisoned by his mother.
(b) He was eaten by his mother.
(c) He was saved by a Roman soldier.
(d) He was killed by John.

12. How long after Nero's death did Otho came to power in Rome?
(a) 10 months.
(b) 8 months.
(c) 7 months.
(d) 9 months.

13. What happened to the first Roman soldier to climb the wall of Jerusalem?
(a) He fell down and was killed.
(b) He took Simon prisoner.
(c) He was hailed as a hero by the Jews.
(d) He was rewarded by Caesar.

14. What province did the Romans fail to control, despite the taking of Jerusalem, in Section 10?
(a) Judea.
(b) Arabia.
(c) Syria.
(d) Gaul.

15. Who besieged Jerusalem, at the start of Section 7?
(a) Merinius.
(b) Vespasian.
(c) Titus.
(d) Classius.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where were the Palace, Temple, and Sanctuary built?

2. What did the Romans display to the Jews in Jerusalem?

3. Where did the Romans promise not to fight?

4. Who took turns plundering the wealthy citizens of Jerusalem?

5. Where was Josephus, according to Section 6?

(see the answer keys)

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