The Jewel in the Crown Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jewel in the Crown Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does White react when chaos first breaks out in "Civil and Military"?
(a) He is out of town when it begins.
(b) He wants to avoid handing it over to the army.
(c) He almost quites his job to avoid the mess.
(d) He wants the army to handle all aspects.

2. Why does Robin White no longer go to Gymkhana Club?
(a) He can no longer afford membership.
(b) British rule has ended.
(c) He has been sick.
(d) He was kicked out.

3. How does Chillianwallah Bagh compare to other Indian neighborhoods?
(a) It is more comfortable than most.
(b) It is less comfortable than most.
(c) It is less dangerous than most.
(d) It is more dangerous than most.

4. How are the Indians who go to Gymkhana Club described?
(a) Military men.
(b) Young businessmen.
(c) Aging professionals.
(d) Beautiful women.

5. In "Civil and Military," why does Reid gather information from his time working with the Indian infantry division?
(a) He is preparing his memoir.
(b) He is preparing for a lawsuit.
(c) He is being interviewed for television.
(d) He is cleaning out his house.

6. Who authorizes the Indian infantry division in "Civil and Military"?
(a) The United States army.
(b) The British army.
(c) The Indian army.
(d) The Royal army.

7. Why did Hari's father return home from England for the first time in "Young Kumar"?
(a) His wife was pregnant.
(b) He failed at his studies.
(c) He missed his family.
(d) He was deported.

8. When does Mr. Srinivasan say he first met Hari?
(a) When Hari met Daphne.
(b) When Hair came to the club.
(c) When Hari was a child.
(d) When Hari was questioned by police.

9. Why does the visitor spend time at the temple in "An Evening at the Club"?
(a) Lady Chatterjee insists.
(b) He doesn't spend any time at the temple.
(c) He wants to photograph it.
(d) It has a connection to Daphne.

10. In "An Evening at the Club," how does Lady Chatterjee feel about the removal of the British authorities?
(a) She says she can't make up her mind yet.
(b) She doesn't share her opinion.
(c) She says she misses the British influence.
(d) She says she is glad the British are gone.

11. How does Hari feel upon first arriving in India in "Young Kumar"?
(a) Depressed.
(b) Worried.
(c) Humored.
(d) Optimistic.

12. Why does Hari say he was denied the job during his first interview in "Young Kumar"?
(a) He spoke with an accent.
(b) He is Indian.
(c) His lack of education.
(d) His father's reputation was not good.

13. What year is it in the beginning of "Civil and Military"?
(a) 1950.
(b) 1952.
(c) 1940.
(d) 1942.

14. In "Young Kumar," why does Hari shop in the English part of town?
(a) He has a lot of money to spend.
(b) He wants to be accepted by the English.
(c) He doesn't shop in the English part of town.
(d) He has English manners and tastes.

15. Why is Vidyasagar arrested?
(a) They assume he broke his rank.
(b) They assume he is an insurgent.
(c) For acting without orders.
(d) For running away from his duties.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Mr. Srinivasan and Lady Chatterjee do after finishing dinner in "An Evening at the Club"?

2. How long after the rape does "An Evening at the Club" take place?

3. What does Reid first suggest to Robin White in "Civil and Military"?

4. In "Young Kumar," to whom does Hari give most of his earnings?

5. In "Young Kumar," why does Hari believe he could succeed in India?

(see the answer keys)

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