The Institute Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Institute Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Luke been labeled, as the reader learns in Section II, Chapter 8?
(a) A blue.
(b) A green.
(c) A red.
(d) A pink.

2. How does Tim solve the problem in Section I, Chapter 13?
(a) With a town meeting.
(b) With a security camera.
(c) With a banner.
(d) With paid informants.

3. According to Tim in Section I, Chapter 8, from what creature did he once rescue a boy?
(a) A coyote.
(b) An alligator.
(c) A tarantula.
(d) A bear.

4. What website does Luke access in Section IV, Chapter 3?
(a) The Washington Post.
(b) The Wall Street Journal.
(c) USA Today.
(d) The New York Times.

5. What problem does Tim solve in Section I, Chapter 13?
(a) The road rocket problem.
(b) The fire bug problem.
(c) The burglar problem.
(d) The door dash problem.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Luke recognize upon going to Level B in Section III, Chapter 7?

2. Which doctor is the Chief of Medical Operations at the Institute?

3. What does Sheriff John propose in Section I, Chapter 15?

4. According to Kalisha in Section II, Chapter 9, how is the Institute divided?

5. Who fights upon being taken to Back Half in Section IV, Chapter 26?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Luke learn from Kalisha in Section II, Chapter 9?

2. How does Luke help Maureen in Section IV, Chapter 10? What does he learn?

3. What does Luke learn when he first uses his computer Section III, Chapter 10?

4. Which individual does Luke meet in Section IV, Chapter 23? What does this person say to him?

5. What information does Luke learn in Section IV, Chapter 28? What is his reaction?

6. What information does the reader learn from the conversation between Sigsby and Stackhouse in Section II, Chapter 8?

7. What is done to Luke in Section III, Chapter 7?

8. Explain the circumstances that led to Tim resigning from the police force, as he explains in Section I, Chapter 6.

9. What happens when Luke meets Mrs. Sigsby in Section III, Chapter 11?

10. What plan does Avery tell Luke about in the middle of the night during Section IV, Chapter 29?

(see the answer keys)

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