The Innocents Abroad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Innocents Abroad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Twain's horse in Chapter 42?
(a) Jeremiah.
(b) Jericho.
(c) Frog.
(d) Silver.

2. What do the pilgrims hand out in Magdala?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Money.
(c) Food.
(d) Compliments.

3. Who does Twain claim founded the city later replaced by Babylon?
(a) Noah.
(b) Nehemiah.
(c) Nicodemus.
(d) Nimrod.

4. What is the name of the fertile hill in Shechem?
(a) The Hill of Blessings.
(b) The Hill of Plenty.
(c) The Mount of Plenty.
(d) The Mount of Blessings.

5. Twain says that everything is now measured in __________ instead of __________.
(a) Time; miles.
(b) Dollars; dimes.
(c) Days; hours.
(d) Inches; miles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the pilgrims acquire the habit of pulling their guns from their holsters?

2. What do the travelers take on the train to Ephesus?

3. What is the prevalent obstacle for the travelers throughout their journey?

4. What is Twain given in Smyrna that he puts under his hat?

5. What city is said to be the boyhood home of Jesus?

Short Essay Questions

1. On the one-year anniversary of the excursion, Twain returns to say an encore farewell. What does he say about the trip, and what advice does he give future excursionists?

2. Despite many precautions, what disease does Twain contract, and what are his theories on how he contracted it?

3. Twain notices something about the Russian emperor during their visit that makes the emperor appear even move down to earth and human. What does Twain notice?

4. Describe the actions of the group once the ship drops anchor in Egypt. Who ends up on the ship with them?

5. Twain and the group have, to this point, been surrounded by foreigners with nothing to gain from the group but their money. Their experience with the Russians is happily different. What happens to make the group feel this way?

6. Though most of the towns and villages on their pathway through the Holy Land are a disappointment to Twain, the city of Shechem is a pleasant surprise. Describe what makes Shechem so unique.

7. Describe the chaos in Constantinople as seen by Twain.

8. Because the travelers are not permitted in Greece, they decide to move on to Turkey. What are some of the dubious customs of Turkey, and what does Twain say about those customs when comparing them to those of America?

9. After weeks of excitement, a bit of unstructured leisure is welcomed as the group heads home. What are some of the activities offered on board the ship for its guests' entertainment?

10. On a hill in Smyrna are layers of broken crockery and oyster shells. Twain is perplexed by who might have put these items in such an odd place. What are some of the possible origins for the shells and crockery given by Twain in Chapter 39?

(see the answer keys)

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