The Innocents Abroad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Innocents Abroad Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the average age of a passenger on the excursion?
(a) 26.
(b) 34.
(c) 40.
(d) 50.

2. Who do the travelers drop in on to say hello while they are in Odessa?
(a) The emperor.
(b) The local apothecary.
(c) The city's lothario.
(d) Odessa's oldest citizen.

3. What does the marble slab inside the Church of Holy Sepulcher guard?
(a) The Cross of Christ.
(b) The Holy Sepulchre.
(c) The Stone Bench.
(d) The Stone of Unction.

4. Who does Twain claim founded the city later replaced by Babylon?
(a) Nicodemus.
(b) Nehemiah.
(c) Noah.
(d) Nimrod.

5. What is the name of the ruin of the tall tower seen after the group leaves El Yuba Dam?
(a) Baniyas.
(b) Polycarp's tomb.
(c) Mt. Pegus.
(d) Tower of Babel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What legend does Twain relate in Chapter 40?

2. Where does the ship land after a long time at sea in Chapter 60?

3. When Paul got to Damascus, he was approached by whom?

4. To where are the colonists who have boarded the ship in Chapter 57 going to be taken?

5. What does Twain hail as the only way to travel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Twain notices something about the Russian emperor during their visit that makes the emperor appear even move down to earth and human. What does Twain notice?

2. Describe the actions of the group once the ship drops anchor in Egypt. Who ends up on the ship with them?

3. Mark Twain is eager to oblige the New York Herald's request for a complimentary summary of the excursion . What does Twain do to make the document more readable and user friendly?

4. Despite his earlier cynicism, Twain's faith in the locations and objects of Jerusalem seems unshakable, and he even challenges the reader to prove several hypotheses false. What are some examples of this almost blind faith, and what reasoning does Twain give to justify his unwavering belief?

5. What are some of the challenges faced by Twain and his friends when trying to guide their donkeys to Ephesus?

6. Describe the chaos in Constantinople as seen by Twain.

7. Despite many precautions, what disease does Twain contract, and what are his theories on how he contracted it?

8. Twain and the group have, to this point, been surrounded by foreigners with nothing to gain from the group but their money. Their experience with the Russians is happily different. What happens to make the group feel this way?

9. Though the excursion is now complete, Twain and several of his friends feel that there is something missing. Where do they decide to go and why?

10. The first place that the pilgrims want to visit in Jerusalem is the Holy Sepulcher. What is the draw of this location?

(see the answer keys)

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